so this is it?

3 0 0

After spending time with Rio, I return home. I unlock the door. I can hear Sally playing. I go to my room change into my PJs and sit on my desk to do my homework. It's later than usual but I actually feel better. Spending time with Rio always makes me feel better.

I have so much work to do though. Why does it have to be the same boring shit? I sigh and get to work. When I hear my phone buzzing. It's Rio.

If you're not busy can you come and see me I'm just around the corner. I need to talk to you.

I'll be there in a minute.

I tell Sally that I'll be back in a minute and wave a quick bye to both her and Adam. I walk out of my house and there he is. I wave at him.

"Why didn't you just come over?"

"Sherry I love you. I really do. But I was stupid about not breaking up. I love you so much I just wanted to stay with you at all costs. It's just hard to let you go. But I think it's necessary, I'll never be able to move on like this. I'm so sorry sherry." He sounds like he's about to cry

"Oh" I'm-
I don't know. I am at a loss of words or any kind of emotions. Instead of saying anything I hug Rio.

"Hey it's okay. If it's good for you then it's all you should do. Don't worry about it. I love you and im always here for you. Don't worry really." I rub his back. "Do you want me to walk you home? You don't look fine."

"I'm not that pathetic." He says giving a sad smile.
He bends in and kisses me on my forehead. And just goes away.

This is it?
I mean I don't know. I'm not hurt I was expecting this but he was the only person who was aware of my pathetic self and still didn't stop loving me or respecting me.
I turn around to go back when I see Adam, he's leaving I think.

And the worst of all I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"Sherry are you okay?"

Before I could say anything I feel a very sharp pain in my heart. And after that I just cry for I don't know how long sitting in the middle of the street hugging my knees. Adam just sat there by my side. He said absolutely nothing. It must be really embarrassing for him. I'm ugly crying. But I couldn't care less. 
I keep crying and he just sits there looking at me.

I finally gather myself up and stand up. He stands up as well.

"Lets take a walk and grab something to drink around that corner?" He aska

"But sal?" Sally is alone at home

"Oh your mom is back."

I say yes and we walk in silence. When we get there he gets me a canned coffee. I hate those but it feels nice. My throat was so dry.

He just looks at me. Isn't he going to ask something?

"Rio broke up with me." I tell him I don't know why.

"That explains all that crying."

We stand there in silence.

"I should go back it's getting dark. Anyway thanks for staying."

"It's no big deal really. Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No it's fine. I'm fine. I feel really great after all that crying. But thanks."

"Gimme your phone for a minute." I hand it over to him and he does the classic thing to text himself with my phone to share our contact information I guess. He hands it over to me.

Adam I'll text you if I feel like crying again. Even tho I don't feel like talking, I'll call you and let you know that I'm not okay.

"That's weird." I say smiling.

But I type a text and send it to him.

I promise.

He sounds amused while reading it.

"You know I'm weird, I don't know why I'm being so clingy but for some reason I can't just leave you. I really want to be there for you. So please tell me whenever you're not feeling okay. Please." He looks so concerned.

"Hey you're not weird. And yes I'll let you know."

"Thanks, now go back and take care."

"No, thank you. You too."

I turn around and walk back home. I go to my room.

So it's over.
I really wanted it to happen for a long time. Rio was just putting too much pressure on himself to be there for me. It was unhealthy for him.

But I just feel so heartbroken for some reason. I look over at my homework.

Fuck that. I get on my bed, cover my head with my blanket and cry myself to sleep.

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