a night out

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Another day of school, what makes it different is the fact that I have to address an assembly of people as our school is hosting this basketball championship. I love basketball and I love speaking in front of crowds so yea I'm excited. I get ready and leave for school.

Maya and Leah are in the cheerleading squad. I spend some time with them while they're getting ready. We three leave together for the basketball court and I go towards the podium. I stand inches away from it as people from different schools start coming in. They're all tall and look really cool. I spot Adam and wave at him, he waves back and walks over to me.

"How can you walk so freely around here?" I ask him.
"I'm volunteering." He replies.

The event starts. I'm going to give a welcoming speech to all the participants and also give some basic instructions. The sound makes me a little nervous. Actually a lot nervous. This is nerve wrecking. I've done this multiple times and it still doesn't get any better. Its finally time for me to step up. I step up. And I can legit feel my legs shaking.

"Good morning, umm I'm unahskosi. Oh sorry this is a bit nerve wrecking I think it's the same for all of us. So let's just take a deep breath and start over cos thats always an option. So I'm Sherry and..."

It's over. I had prepared this little stunt, stumbling over my words while saying my name to make everyone feel relaxed and snap out of their heads and focus on me. I don't know I thought it'd help. It's always fun to look for ways to make it a little more exciting. I leave for canteen as I'm really hungry I didn't even have breakfast as I was so nervous and excited to do this. I go over to the canteen and I see the cheerleading squad, they're just hanging out before the games start. It's a little break for everyone. I join them. Everybody tells me how they thought I messed up but then it was good to know it was all scripted. And it was fun to listen to me. This makes me really happy.

"Do you wanna go to the club tonight?"Leah asks.
"Steve and his friends wanted to hang out and yea you can invite Adam." Maya informs.
"Umm sure. I'll ask him." I say. It'd be nice to have him around.
"Okay now we gotta leave and you were shining at the podium as always."Leah says.
"It's funny and nice to know that one part of you hasn't changed. The you who loves to speak in front of people. Your legs they still shake?" Maya says laughing.
"They do for god's sake."I say sounding almost whiny.
"Hhahah this is hilarious. You're always so excited that you start fidgeting too."
"Excited, I think nervous is the right word."
"That's not true it's excited we're pretty sure!" They both say at the same time.

Ah, I love these two and they're right it's excitement. I really love speaking in front of people and trying to make people pay attention to what I'm saying. I always like to think of fun ways to do that. I am still smiling. I remember the feeling, I am always so into the moment whenever I'm holding a mic. It feels incredible.

I see Adam entering the canteen. He looks at me and walks over.

"You were amazing out there!" He shines while saying like he's really serious about it.
"Thank you, hey you free tonight?"
"Yea what's up?"
"My friends are going to the club and they asked to invite you too."
"Club, but aren't we like still underage?"
"What? You're so incredibly cute. You haven't gone there ever? Like ever? Don't worry about the age we'll handle that!"
"Kay then im in, keep me out of trouble please."

I get dressed for our night out. I wear a strapless black top which has all these strings on its back that you tie together. These strings are the reason why I bought this top. I pair it up with booty shorts. I give some waves to my hair. My eyelashes are pretty long so I don't curl them before applying mascara or they start looking fake. I get ready and leave with Maya and Leah. They look gorgeous.

We reach the club and I see Adam and Steve waiting there with some other guys. Now this is a small town and it's easier to go around if you have connections which we do. So the bouncers let us in. We're a party of 7. Adam, Leah, Maya, Steve, Joshua, Chris and me. Chris and Joshua are Steve's friends.

We get inside. Steve, Maya and Joshua join the dance floor. The rest of us go over to the bar.
We order drinks. I order beer as I hate the taste and I love the feeling, slightly tipsy but miles away from drunk. Drinking beer is my guilty pleasure. I drink my beer and Chris asks me if I want to dance with him and I join him. Chris and I dance while talking about stuff. He's on the football team and he loves the MCU and DC. He's a fun guy.

We dance around for a while and then I get back to the bar. I look at everyone dancing and it's fun to look at. I feel exhausted though. I mean I'm having fun but I feel a bit uncomfortable with so many people around me. Adam is dancing with this girl, she walked over to Adam to ask him to dance I guess. He looks like he's having fun. My curfew is 10:30 and it's 9:15. I wish I could leave.

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