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3 x 12 ~ Lunar Eclipse

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3 x 12 ~ Lunar Eclipse


Derek's PoV

Something touched my lips, it was cold and wet, like water. My body reacted and I jolted forwards towards the substance, I gasped and opened my eyes to see my sister smiling at me.

"You're okay," I said to her, and she smiled even brighter,

"I'm doing much better than you are right now, And all because of you," Cora said to me, I tried to sit up but something held me back, my eyes trailed down to see two arms wrapped around my torso,

"Don't even think about it," A raspy voice said from behind me, I glanced back to see a tired Leo resting his head against the window,

My body was snuggled against his, and from the look on his face he looked just as tired as I felt,

"You came," I said to him softly,

"Of course I did," Leo said back to me, 

"Hopefully not all for nothing. The moon is rising, Derek. You drained your battery all the way to the red, And there is a fully charged alpha on her way to rip you limb from limb," Peter said to me coldly,

"I'll be fine in a few hours," I said to him as Cora caressed my head, and Leo's grip on me tightened, 

"I sincerely hope so, because a few hours is all that you have," Peter said to me,


I spent the rest of the day trying to regain my strength, Leo and Cora helped as much as they could, but I was a Beta again and not amount of pampering could help to stop Kali. Day turned to night, and Lydia arrived at my doorstep with one of the alpha twins.

"We know about the lunar eclipse, So don't think kali's gonna sit around waiting for it to level the playing field. She's coming, and my brother's coming with her," Ethan said to me,

"Good enough for me. Derek?" Peter said, calling out to me, 

"You want me to run?" I asked him skeptically, 

"No. I want you to stay and get slaughtered by an alpha with a psychotic foot fetish. Of course I want you to run. Sprint, gallop, leap your way the hell out of this town," Peter said sounding concerned,

"If you want to fight and die for something, that's fine with me, but do it for something meaningful," Cora said to me and I glanced at him,

"As much as I personally want to rip off Kali's head, I would prefer to do it knowing that you, Derek, are safe from her clearly unmanicured claws," Leo added, 

"How do you know I'm gonna lose?" I asked them,

"We don't, but I'll bet she has an idea. Don't you, Lydia?" Peter said, turning to face the girl,

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