2 ~ Eighteen

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2 𝑥 06 ~ 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑦 ______________________

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2 𝑥 06 ~ 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑦

Leo in the leather jacket 🔝

Leo's PoV

Derek took off running after the Kanima... or Jackson, without hesitation. Boys started to carry Isaac and Erica away, while Allison tried to console Lydia, leaving me with Burt and Ernie to follow after Derek, in Stiles jeep. Scott and I would have no problem chasing them down, but our fragile human wouldn't be so lucky.

Stiles sped down the road following Scott's direction. He turned the corner and stopped at a tall metal fence. Scott climbed out of the jeep and I followed him, leaving Stiles behind, sometimes being human had its downsides. Scott leaped over the fence and I scaled it in seconds, we ran off following Derek scents, hopefully to catch him before he does something he'll regret or not... Derek did kind of want Jackson to die.

The sound of gunshots echoed in the distance, Scott ran after faster, but I pushed myself to keep up with him. We came to the underside of a bridge to see the Kanima and someone standing apart. However, that didn't stop Scott, he tackled the creature, sending it flying back a few feet, then stopped to look at the man.

"Scott," I called out to him, I looked between him and the old man, who looked like... Allison's grandfather, which wasn't good for me, "now, Scott,"

He turned around and we kept running. Derek's scent faded as if he disappeared and the sound of the kanima lead us towards one of the gay club in town. Don't ask how I know that.

Scott and I walked up to the building and peaked around the corner only to see guys still heading inside and not running in fear. I was about to say something when the sound another heartbeat made us turn around. Scott and I jumped slightly as Stiles stepped up towards us,

"Holy cr-" Scott started to say but cut himself off,

"Wha- sorry, I'm sorry," Stiles apologised, "did you see where he went?"

"I lost him," Scott answered,

"What? You couldn't catch his scent?" Stiles asked us,

"I don't think he has one," Scott said back to him,

"And Derek's scent faded back there under the bridge," I added,

"All right, any clue where he's going?" Stiles asked, I looked over at the group of men heading into the club, which gave me a brilliant idea,

"To kill someone," Scott answered bluntly,

"Ah, that explains the claws, and the fangs, and all that. Good, makes perfect sense now," Stiles said sarcastically, I turned around and gave him a look, he looked between Scott and myself, "What? Guys, come on. I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense,"

"That mouth is gonna get you in trouble, and not in the good way," I said snidely to him, he glared at me, but I rolled my eyes back at him,

"Just help us find it," Scott said to him.

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