thank you !!

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so yes ive finally finished chasing hearts after quite some time aha aha ,, and i do remember promising to myself that i'll finish this book before the year ends. and well- maybe i have fulfilled it :')) (if u wont count this chapter, the epilogue, and a couple of bonus chapters dhsbdj).

as i was saying, ah— thank you all to those who've read, voted, and commented !!! tbh i never really expected to have readers when i started this book, yet i ended up having you all still 😭 i really can't put into words how i'm very grateful to all the ones that have supported me all the way here!! and to the one person very close to my heart, and whom i treasure very much, thank you, for always being there by my side to cheer me up )): and for being one of my motivations to write! i love u j hehe <33

also!! so um, this is quite unusual for me to say due to the lack of writing skills i have but 👉🏻👈🏻 i've been thinking about it for awhile now and ,,, i think i may just start a series/sequel to chasing hearts ????? hAhA yea i just said that..... but actually, a few plots have been pondering on my mind ever since i started this book. and i think that was like, late april?? yea smthng like that. i wanted to name the series too, and i have one in mind which is, 'second deck' hahfsgdj yea it sounds pretty awkward so i'll think about it first-

and uh, i'm not a 100% sure yet but since i've already planned out the sequence, ships, and the plots itself, i think i might really upload the second book tomorrow or the day after ?? xjjsjs anw, the second one is a junhao au btw :)) and the rest— will be secret for now ;)

hehehe so again,, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you all so much for everything you've done for me to end this book on a high note!! seriously, i never had hopes nor expectations that i'd even reach this number of reads, votes, and people who reads on my book 😭💗🙏

oh and one more thing- if wattpad still doesnt let me upload selected songs for the bgm on some chapters,, i'll just put it on the start of each chapter like this for example: 'painkiller - by ruel' cause we all know, wattpad flop :') haha

lastly, hope you all are safe and
healthy!! ily all :D <3

see you again soon on the next aus!

— frances

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