Crazy Noisy Bizarre Heart Pt.2

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"I'm home."

Sumika's ears perked up as she heard the sound of her daughter's voice. Turning from her cooking dinner, she spotted Mirai removing her shoes and placing them neatly somewhere.

"Welcome home, dear."

The white haired girl smiled at her mother before scanning the rooms of the house. Ryoko was there obviously in her favourite chair in the living room but Kenshiro was nowhere to be seen.

"Your father's working late at the penitentiary. He's been training a new warden who was a former prisoner. It feels like he's going to prove that not all lawbreakers are irredeemable."

Mirai looked amazed. "I bet he's paid his debt to society, even as dad has taken him under his wing. I hope the inmates don't give him a hard time, even the really dangerous ones."

Sumika beamed as she set the dining table. "I'm sure they won't. I bet he's a tough young thing, just like your father."

Mirai nodded in agreement before going to fetch her grandmother as dinner was ready.

As grandmother, mother and daughter sat around the table, enjoying a nice warm evening meal, Mirai couldn't help but feel that something was on her mind. It definitely had to do with Josuke and why he was acting strange around her. During the day, she asked him if he was feeling okay as she was concerned about his behaviour, only for him to answer that he was fine, despite blushing. Even Mitsuki and Yukako were wondering the same thing and inquired Mirai about it but she couldn't give them a good answer. They understood, thankfully.

Whatever could this possibly be, that Mirai could see in Josuke?

"Mirai? Is something wrong dear?"

Mirai snapped out of her trance as she turned to her mother who was very concerned about her. "Hm? Oh it's nothing to worry about. Sorry if I concerned you."

Sumika set down her utensils and placed a reassuring hand on her daughter's. "I know I am not one to poke my nose into people's personal business, the whole family included but just know that you can always tell me anything."

"I know, mom."

After dinner had been eaten, Mirai decided to retire to bed early for the night. Sumika and Ryoko understood and bid her goodnight.

After washing and dressing into her nightwear, she entered her bedroom and went to look out of her window over her neighbourhood. She could see a light in the window of the Higashikata residence, it was definitely Josuke's room.


Emanating from her, Strange Magic made its presence known, observing beside its user. Like Mirai, it was feeling the same way about Crazy Diamond.

"You too?" The white haired girl asked her Stand.


After seeing the light switch off from his bedroom window, Mirai decided that she should do the same. As she got into bed, one question began to run through her mind.

Was she falling for Josuke?

Processing her feelings, she began to think about many great things about Josuke, from his kind heart to his tender smile despite his timidness. There was also a matter of her father. He was not very trusting of the fact that his darling baby girl would fall for someone, especially if he looked like a delinquent. Mirai vowed that she would prove him wrong and get her point across.

She was never one to give up, no matter what. Especially when it came to matters of the heart.

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