Mini Chapter: Serenade Shenanigans

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It was a clear night in Morioh as the moon loomed over Jōzenji Road. Some people would be asleep, others would be staying up late, even studying for upcoming tests and doing homework. However, for three friends, this was going to be different for this night.

Earlier at school, Josuke came clean to admit his sentiments for Mirai to Koichi and Okuyasu and came to terms with them. His two friends congratulated him for this and vowed to support him, every step of the way. If they can take down enemy Stand users, then they can help with their friend's love life. Okuyasu, however, had a bright idea of getting them together. To enamour her to Josuke with the art of wooing.

When they got together, nearing Mirai's house, Josuke looked uncertain as he noticed Okuyasu carrying a boombox until they got there.

"Here we are, Josuke." The scar faced teen announced. "The home of your beloved."

The pompadour teen gulped, his nerves were starting to kick in as he knew whose house, this was. The lights were out, including Mirai's parents' bedroom. He inwardly hoped Kenshiro wouldn't wake up. "Ummm...I don't know you guys...I don't think this is such a great idea..." He tugged at the collar of his school jacket nervously.

Okuyasu could sense his friend's nerves. "Dude, have you seen this on TV and in the movies?" He placed a hand on his shoulder as he began to explain the plan in a poetic manner. "There's a beautiful moment where a guy serenades a girl with a song, outside her bedroom window at night."

Koichi nodded in agreement. It reminded him of that one time, he did something like that for Yukako. "Besides, you'll be fine. She'll love it."

Okuyasu beamed. "Hence the light in her bedroom window." He pointed upwards to a lit bedroom window, which was definitely Mirai's. It was a common possible sign that a girl would be thinking of her beloved.

Josuke swallowed nervously. "I do hope this will work..."

The scar faced teen patted him on the shoulder in a reassuring manner. "We've got your back, bro."

Koichi agreed. "We have every confidence in you." The short teen walked over to a position with a good vantage point. "We'll be watching from afar."

Okuyasu set down the boombox. Prior to the evening, they settled on a Prince song that would be absolutely fitting. Josuke was thankful that they weren't going to choose any of his songs that were sexually themed with naughty lyrics, especially Darling Nikki from the Purple Rain album soundtrack.

Pressing the play button, Okuyasu ran to join Koichi, leaving the pompadour teen standing, trying to compose himself as the music began.



Mirai was sitting at her study desk in her bedroom, having finished her homework. She was about to put it in her school satchel, then go to bed for the night when, without any warning, she heard what sounded like music playing, followed by the singing voice of the artist known as Prince.

Her eyes widened in surprise as her ears perked at the sound. It seemed to be coming from outside of her house as she turned to her bedroom window. Approaching it, the white haired girl opened the curtains and gazed downwards.

There was Josuke, standing outside beside the boombox, gawking in a silent scream, having been spotted. His mind screaming. 'MIRAI!' He didn't notice Okuyasu in his hiding spot, grinning and giving two thumbs up.

Mirai's expression softened as she began to watch. Who'd ever knew someone, let alone a delinquent, would play music outside to serenade her? Their love for Prince increased tenfold.

Josuke felt uneasy but had to stay calm and not mess this up as he rubbed the back of his neck, a goofy grin on his face, blushing a shade of baby pink.

Mirai's heart began to melt. 'Oh he's so adorable. Maybe I could dance with him someday.'

Grabbing her dressing gown, she hastily ran downstairs and out of the front door to meet him. Okuyasu saw this and his grin grew wider. "Here she comes."

Josuke gulped nervously. His blush began to grow hotter as he spotted Mirai approaching him, smiling sweetly. All the while, he was standing where he was, sweating heavily and shuddering, unaware that something huge was about to happen. But he couldn't think what it would be.

Meanwhile in his hiding spot, Okuyasu had a sneaky little idea. The Hand made itself known and with a swift motion, erased the distance between the two teens, bringing them closer. Josuke was now in extreme embarrassment, feeling Mirai close to him. She was also blushing too. The two stayed in their little awkward position while Okuyasu and Koichi watched onward, the music continuing.


Deep in the sheets of a large bed made for two people, a married couple to be exact,

Kenshiro laid sleeping peacefully beside Sumika. Loud snoring filled the room as he was in deep slumber with his beloved wife as he would wake to another day of working a shift at the penitentiary. He was in a state of bliss whenever he would rest. Unfortunately it wouldn't last.

Muffled sounds from outside caused him to stir and awaken, his slumber had been broken. Groggily, he got up from his side of the bed and sluggishly made his way to the window. The sounds becoming clear, turning out to be music playing and Prince's voice belting the lyrics. Pulling back the curtains, his eyes shot open in surprise.

"W-W-What the!!?!! Those brats again."

His daughter looked as if she was locked in an embrace with that delinquent boy, he meet and chased around with a newspaper.

Fury began to bubble inside him as he headed downstairs to the front door.

"Uh oh." Koichi squeaked upon seeing Mirai's father. "Uh..guys?"

Josuke's eyes widened in horror, upon seeing his worst nightmare standing at the front door, in nightclothes and slippers, cracking his knuckles with a dark look in his eyes. Okuyasu must've felt the same as he ran to retrieve the boombox and shut off the music.

"What do you punks think you're doing?"

Mirai gasped, having spotted her father who had woken up. "Dad?" She turned to Josuke, pulling away from him. "Run, Josuke!"

"We're so sorry, Mr. Hato, sir!" Koichi bowed quickly before the three boys took off running, in order to escape the wrath of the angry dad. Kenshiro would have given chase too, had it not been for Sumika grabbing him by the back of his white tank nightshirt and pulling him back in.

"Get in here, you!"

Mirai stayed where she was as she watched Josuke and his cohorts running off. A soft smile graced her features as she went back inside and got into bed. Her dad may not be trusting towards him but when it came to acceptance, it wouldn't hurt to try to get through to him.

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