Between Old Flames

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"So there's a possibility that Rui had been working with someone, up until her untimely death."

Jotaro was on the phone to the Speedwagon Foundation. He was on his way back to the Morioh Grand Hotel where Joseph and Shizuka were after he accompanied them back there. He nodded at the answer from the member on the other line.

"I see. Well the old man and I will keep you up to date with the whole situation and take necessary precautions. We got ourselves a mastermind on our hands. Until then, we'll let you know when something else happens. Thank you."

He sighed deeply as he hung up the payphone in the booth. Throughout his life, Jotaro Kujo had been through many bizarre adventures. His biggest one was travelling to Egypt with his grandfather to defeat a heinous Stand user called DIO in order to save his mother, Holly, even being accompanied by allies who were fellow users and did lose some along the way. Looking back on it now, although it caused him great pain, he would take each and every moment to hope that three of their fallen allies were resting well in the afterlife and feel relief that his mother's life was spared, now that the vampire was gone for good.

"Penny for your thoughts, Jotaro?"

His eyes widened as he turned to see Sara nearby. She was walking down the street on her way home when she spotted him leaving the payphone booth. Jotaro still remembered her as being different from those annoying fangirls from his school days. She was very reserved and smart in her own ways, for she always knew him well. Plus she was kind enough to keep him up to date on his homework and schoolwork while he was in Egypt and even visited his mother at one point.

"You never cease to find me in places, Sara." The raven haired man replied back, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Been a long time, hasn't it?"

Sara nodded. "If you put it this way, since we went our own separate ways after graduation. Even heard you got married and became a marine biologist."

Jotaro's expression became stoic. "I was. But I filed for divorce later on. My ex-wife got the house back in America and custody of Jolyne."

Sara gasped. She knew what he was talking about. "You have a daughter?"

Jotaro only turned away. "Things change, Sara."

A solemn look made itself known in Sara's eyes. All the time, since she became a burlesque performer, she never even heard about Jotaro becoming a father and having a child of his own. She finally understood but would never know why he got divorced.

"Look at us now. We've both grown since our parting."

Jotaro sighed deeply. "Good grief, we really have. Time really slips away, doesn't it?"

Sara nodded, before getting serious. "So there really is a mastermind out here in Morioh."


Sara tensed a little before composing herself. "I doubt that person would ever attend one of my performances but I'll take some necessary precaution. Tell Mr. Joestar and Shizuka to stay safe out there."

Jotaro smiled slightly. "Don't worry, I will."

And with that, the two old flames had parted to return to their respective destinations but they promise to keep each other updated in case, something else might happen, even if it involved Stands.

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