One Little Question Is All It Takes

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"No way. Really?"

By the lockers at school, Mirai was getting her things together while she was talking with Yukako and Mitsuki. She was surprised at what the raven haired girl had told her, she couldn't believe it at first.

"Yes. I asked Koichi for a date. I felt like a nice dinner at Tonio's restaurant and next thing he knew, he said yes!"

The two friends marvelled at this. It was the perfect place for a dinner date or any other trip for some Italian cuisine, especially the ones that would cure a person's ailments in the case of Okuyasu.

"You know," Mitsuki began as she remembered something. "I remember Okuyasu telling about this place and how he got his ailments cured. He even thought of taking me there one day."

"Wow, really?" Mirai asked.

The maroon haired girl nodded. Mirai understood as she got her books together for the first class. Yukako noticed a sort of look in her eyes that held a tinge of, what was it? Pining? She observed the white haired girl with concern, seeing that her cheeks were blushing a shade of pink and her heart rate was increasing in speed.

"Mirai? Are you feeling okay?"

Mirai jumped at the sound of Yukako's voice asking her the question. "Oh, it's just..I have been dealing with something that's been going on with me."

Mitsuki began to worry a little. "Whatever is the matter? Are you unwell? It's not Stand related, is it?"

"What?" Mirai shook her head. "No, it's not an illness and it has nothing to do with Stands. It's just..." She inhaled deeply before she continued. "I feel like I have fallen for Josuke."

Both girls' eyes widened at this. The new girl in town had fallen in love with Morioh's protector. Mitsuki remembered when she first noticed that, long since after the Candy Coloured Clown incident. They finally knew the reason why Josuke was acting strangely around her, all timid and embarrassed that would make even his fangirls worry about him.

"Mirai, that is wonderful. You've fallen for Koichi's friend." Yukako threw her arms around her in an embrace of acceptance.

"I appreciate that, Yukako. But now I'm beginning to wonder if.."

"He'll ask you out?" Mitsuki finished for her.

Mirai nodded, her eyes darting downward to the floor. Knowing Josuke, when it came to this stuff, he would be too shy to do so. Even after their acknowledgment of their sentiments.

"Well, you never know when and if he will." Mitsuki remarked in the most reassuring way.

Little did the girls know, that a certain scar faced delinquent was listening in on them before scurrying away as quick as he could.


"Oi, Josuke!"

The pompadour teen jumped startled, his reverie broken by the sound of Okuyasu's voice. Earlier, he was sat at his desk, thinking about Mirai and wondering if playing music, even Prince, outside her bedroom window had worked in enamouring himself to her. He was also thankful, he, Okuyasu and Koichi escaped the wrath of her angry sleep deprived father, otherwise he would have been chasing them all around Morioh or even all around Japan.

"No need to startle me like that, Okuyasu!" He snapped, annoyed.

Okuyasu sweat dropped. "My bad. Anyway, I was just on my way down the hall when I overheard Mirai, Mitsuki and Yukako talking."

Josuke perked. "Huh? What were they speaking about? What were you eavesdropping on them for?"

The scar faced teen beamed eagerly and began to explain every detail to Josuke from start to finish. His eyes widened upon discovering what he was told, his cheeks turned an extreme shade of red, burning with embarrassment and his heart was jumping all over the place in his chest as he heard three words, which he repeated. "Ask her out?!"

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