The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants

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Back at the Hato residence, Josuke had finished disinfecting and bandaging his injuries, he received after the fight with Ahmya. Earlier, upon arriving at Mirai's house, he had Crazy Diamond heal her up during the journey before placing her unconscious body on her bed in her room, leaving her to rest. Sure, his Stand can fix things including broken bones and healing wounds but the downside was that it couldn't heal Josuke, nor revive the dead, nor cure illnesses.

Josuke sighed, having finished tending to the last of his injuries. "At least, that nightmare is over..."

Getting up from the closed toilet and putting away the first aid kit, the pompadour teen made his way out of the bathroom. His eyes widened and he gasped upon seeing Kenshiro, fear washing over him as he expected him to unleash his fatherly wrath upon him but upon closer inspection, the Hato family patriarch was filled with remorse.

Josuke stuttered a bit. "M-Mr. Hato?"

Kenshiro took a moment to choose his words correctly. "I saw you bringing Mirai home. Your nephew told me what happened..." He was referring to Jotaro before asking. "Is she okay?"

Josuke nodded. "Yes, your daughter is. What about you, Mr. Hato?"

Kenshiro scratched the back of his neck as he answered. "To be honest, that's not the first time someone like that madwoman attacked me for something related to a member of their family. I know my job."

The pompadour teen blinked in confusion. "Erm...good for you?"

The adult male nodded. "Anyway, there's something I need to talk with you. And it's about you and Mirai..."

Josuke's eyes widened as he followed him to the living room. "I'm listening."

Settling into the couches, Kenshiro took a moment to compose what he was going to say next. "Now, I know we didn't have the best first meeting..and I know that because of that, I might not be your most favourite person in the world..but I had no intent to be cruel..but to protect my own daughter from falling for the wrong man. From making poor decisions in relationships."

Josuke was surprised by those words and the whole reason before the older male continued. "You see, I only wanted what was best for Mirai. After all, the first man in a girl's life is her father. I made sure to be the best dad, I could be for her as she was growing up."

The young teen nodded, seeing his point. "Yeah. After all, I'm sure my grandfather was thinking about the same thing as you did when my mom was around Mirai's age, to be honest."

Kenshiro looked saddened. He just remembered that talk about Ryohei Higashikata with the warden trainee. "I understand how you feel. I'm so sorry for your loss. He was such a great man to look up to."

Josuke nodded in understanding, despite feeling as if he'd been reminded of when he lost his grandfather to that bastard, Angelo. "Yeah. Sometimes, I wish he was still alive." A memory flashed in his mind back to when he healed his grandfather up, only to find that he won't wake and how Jotaro explained that no amount of compassion or love would bring back the dead, not even Stands would have that power.

A large male hand was placed on the younger male's shoulder. "Hell always be there with you in spirit."

Josuke nodded, having been reassured. "Thank you, Mr. Hato."

Kenshiro smiled warmly. "It's no trouble. After all, if there's anyone worthy of my daughter's heart, it's you, Josuke. Every interaction, I've seen between you, it's like she sees you as someone who would make the sun rise and fall at your command. Like you hung the moon."

Josuke slightly blushed at hearing those words. He was lost for words that he couldn't come up with anything to say when Jotaro entered the living room, having arrived downstairs.

"Josuke, Mirai should wake up soon. It's best you head to her room before she wakes."

With reassurance and support received, Josuke nodded before making his way upstairs.


Mirai had been in her unconscious state for so long, she was unaware that she was in her bedroom in the comfort of her own home. The confrontation with Ahmya was the last thing she remembered as well as searching for her father. She hoped that he was safe and sound for the sake of her and her mother. Sumika would be absolutely devastated if something were to happen to her husband. Her eyes were still closed as she heard faint footsteps approaching her bedroom, followed by her bedroom door opening slowly, then more footsteps approaching her bedside. A soft warm hand gently placed itself atop hers, causing her to awaken. Her eyes opened to be greeted with the sight of her beloved Josuke smiling down upon her.

Her beloved was relieved at seeing her recover. "Hey."

"Hey." She took a moment to sit up. "How long was I out for?"

Josuke's eyes widened a little as he tried to answer her. "Oh..uh...for a long time, I can say..."

Mirai arched an eyebrow. "You didn't count, did you?"

Josuke rubbed the back of his neck, smiling awkwardly. "To be honest, I was rather busy, healing your wounds than caring about the time."

"Makes sense, after all..."

After a brief moment, Mirai's smiled faded into worry as her opponent's words were echoing in her mind. Josuke noticed this as concern crossed his features.

"Are you alright, Mirai?"

The white haired girl's eyes darted downwards. "I couldn't believe Ahmya would stoop so low. I know she wanted revenge for what happened to her sister in the past but..." Shame washed over her. "Deep down, if there's anyone to blame, it's me. I dragged you into this mess. Even Koichi, Okuyasu, Mr. Kujo and everyone else." Her eyes travelled to Josuke's bandaged body. "And got hurt."

Josuke shrugged, shaking off the state he was in. "Nah, it's okay. To be honest, I've seen worse."

Mirai nodded sadly. "Yeah." Her face turned somber. "And it's my first time, I've seen worse. It's one thing with Rui and Barzotti but Ahmya..." She hung her head in shame.

The next thing Mirai knew was that Josuke had pulled her into an embrace, more comforting than the first time back at the hotel following the nightclub mission. Reassuring words came pouring from his lips. "Hey, hey. It's okay, don't put any blame on yourself. No one told Ahmya and her sister to do what they did to you or anybody. Also, it's not your fault if not everyone is able to see Stands. Even my mom doesn't have that ability. Heck, you shouldn't blame yourself for what happened. They've chosen to be evil..."

Mirai looked up at him. "You really think so?"

Her beloved nodded as he nuzzled his cheek upon her head. "Yeah, totally."

The white haired girl felt like she was about to tear up as she found herself hugging Josuke back. "Thanks, Josuke."

Unbeknownst to them, from downstairs, Jotaro was watching onwards listening in on them. He gave a proud nod of how far his teenage uncle and his beloved had gone. Pride washed over him as Sara approached him.

"So it looks like their troubles have vanished."

Jotaro nodded in agreement, turning to his old flame. "Indeed."

Sara smiled warmly as she followed his gaze upwards. "They have overcome many obstacles in their lives and now they'll be on a path to happiness."

Jotaro couldn't agree more. After all, love was a very new thing to Josuke upon meeting Mirai. Every obstacle they overcame was all worth it in the end.

"That's right..they will..."

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