Great Days Are Here Again

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A few days had passed and now it was time for Josuke, Mirai and Sara to meet Jotaro, Joseph and Shizuka down at the port. The old man, his adopted daughter and his grandson were preparing to leave Morioh and head on their way home. Having checked out at the Morioh Grand Hotel, they headed to their destination where their boat is waiting to set sail.

"So, you really have to go, right Jotaro?" Asked Sara, feeling bittersweet to see her old flame leave.

Jotaro nodded solemnly. "It's just like when we parted ways for our respective careers after our graduation. Besides, Morioh still needs its Queen of Burlesque."

"Mr. Joestar, are you sure you must go home?" Mirai asked. "Ever since I first met you, you were so good to me. You, Shizuka and Mr. Kujo."

The old man smiled warmly, like any other loving grandpa. "I may be a long distance away, but I'll always be thinking of you and Josuke." He added, with a cheeky wink. "And do try to keep your boyfriend in line. Last time I left Morioh, he used Crazy Diamond to steal my wallet."

Mirai shot Josuke a questionable look. He gave off a sheepishly embarrassed grin, waving his arms in defence. It came as no surprise that the pompadour teen had inherited Joseph's mischievous wit and trickster ways, despite being his illegitimate son.

A soft coo sounded from Shizuka, cradled in Joseph's arms. Josuke took hold of the invisible baby's tiny hand, smiling warmly at his adopted sister. "Goodbye, Shizuka. No matter how old you get, stay as sweet as you are."

Sara  composed herself as she began to say her goodbyes. "I hope marine biology treats you well. The oceans need you."

She was about to turn away when she felt two fingers gently taking hold of her chin, moving her head to face Jotaro. The older male looked solemn yet sincere as he gently planted what would be their parting kiss. This time, more reassuringly bittersweet than their last one from graduation when they parted ways.

Once everyone had said their goodbyes, the old man, his grandson and invisible baby boarded their boat. Josuke, Mirai and Sara stood on the edge of the port as the boat slowly began to sail away from it to begin its journey home. The three watched onwards as it continued sailing to reach open sea. They never took their eyes off the boat as it sailed onwards until it disappeared into the distance.


Inside a cabin, Joseph was napping with Shizuka in his arms and Jotaro was sitting by the window, watching Morioh disappear into the distance. Everything in his life had been one bizarre adventure after another but he wouldn't trade it all for the world as long as he still had his family and friends, some alive and some resting well in Heaven but remained in his heart and memory.

He checked a strange envelope that had been gifted to him. Inside, he took out a signed photo of Sara in burlesque attire.

His cheeks tinged scarlet but smiled despite that. "Good grief..."


Walking all around Morioh, Mirai couldn't be all the more happier. Ever since she and her family moved there, her life had been one of happiness, friendship and love. Despite getting involved in many bizarre turns when it came to Stand users, she couldn't be more thankful for her pompadour prince and her friends and fellow users. Even Strange Magic felt the same as her user.

"Mirai? You okay?"

She snapped back to reality upon hearing Josuke's voice.

"Oh..yes..I've just been thinking.."

Josuke seemed to know her well, a knowing smile upon his features. "About all we had been through." An idea crossed his mind. "Why don't we talk about it at the ice cream place? I bet there's still some blue bubblegum flavoured ice cream there."

Mirai nodded as she snuggled into Josuke as they were in their way to the place of frozen treats.

Their bizarre adventure may have been tough but it did have some perks. With her friends and her beloved Josuke by her side, she knew and felt that they would have a bright future ahead of them.

Great days were on their way to greet her.

Great days were on their way to greet her

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The End.

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