A Father's Guilt

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Everything ran like clockwork at Morioh Penitentiary. Although there was one prison warden that being too rough on the inmates. Kenshiro Hato had never felt this bubbling rage in all his life. Ever since Mirai started dating Josuke, his duty as a father was being tested. He knew he meant well but he felt like he was afraid of letting her go one day.

"I've never seen Kenshiro so threatened when it comes to his fatherly duties."

"It's like his daughter grew up too quickly now that another man has come into her life."

The wardens were talking amongst themselves in the break room, concerned for their colleague. They were not ones to pry in others' personal business but they didn't want him to go too far with his overprotectiveness. The newcomer, whom Kenshiro had been training, felt he had to do something about this.

When it was time for Kenshiro's break, the young prison warden trainee approached him.

"You worried about your daughter's wellbeing around her new boyfriend?"

Kenshiro nodded, despite being tense. "I still don't trust that delinquent and not even his friend. That Hirose kid is well behaved compared to the other two but still..why did she have to grow up so quickly?"

The trainee put a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring manner. "I understand how you feel at the moment but let me show you something so I'll show why you shouldn't judge someone before knowing their story. Come with me."

The two wardens walked to a part of the prison where there were photographs of different police officers on the walls. Some were well known for bringing the inmates to the prison. Among them was a man in his fifties with grey hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"Are you familiar with Officer Ryohei Higashikata?"

Kenshiro looked puzzled. This officer was related to Josuke? But how? The trainee then began to explain.

"He was a well known police officer in all of Morioh, protecting the town and everyone in it. Many people looked up to him, young and old alike. But the one who looked up to him the most was his grandson, the boy your daughter is dating. He may have never been promoted but he was still loved by all in Morioh, until..."

Kenshiro's eyes widened at what the trainee said next.

"He passed away.  A brain tumour was what might have killed him...we miss him dearly but the ones most affected by his death were his daughter and grandson. They lost a great man in their lives."

Kenshiro started to feel remorse for his past treatment towards Josuke. Sure, he looked like a delinquent but there was a pure soul and golden heart deep beneath the outward shell. He had been protective of his own daughter but was afraid he would take it too far. The prison warden started to feel guilty, fearing his daughter would hate him forever.

Left alone to contemplate this, Kenshiro Hato would have to accept the fact that someday he might let his daughter go.

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