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I sigh looking over the beautiful city of Dwarka from the balcony of the guest chambers. It was quite nice, midday, the sun blazed down but it wasn't too hot. Sitting down at the small bench-like seat on the balcony the cool breeze flew by, it felt calm.

I've never stayed at Dwarka very long, but as it was the palace had a different feel to it. It was calming, peaceful. I guess that's the effect Madhav has not people and places. I chuckle slightly to myself leaning back a little in the seat.

We had returned from Vaidrabha a while ago, and after the grand welcome of the new Maharani, Madhav and Bhabhi shree were spending some time together so I was in the guest chambers...alone. I was definitely bored but then again what else could I do? Dau and bhabhi Revati are busy in themselves too, I would have gone to see Subhi but honestly, I knew the more time I spent with her the more likely I am to accidentally say something about the future and make her suspicious. And I definitely couldn't have that!

This time I didn't bother getting settled in knowing that soon enough I'd get the letter from Jyesth telling me to meet them in Varnavrat... Lakshagrah... I was waiting patiently trying to think of a plan on how all of this can go this time around. Things had to be different but how much could I even change?

Possible plans and ideas were racing through my head as I tried to make sense of everything that could possibly happen... My thoughts were interrupted though as I hear a soft knock on the door.

"Arjun," I heard the voice of Subhadra behind me.

I smile instantly, turning around to look at her. "Rajkumari," I said getting up and coming back into the main part of the room. 'Don't say something stupid Arjun, remember she's your future wife. You're not married yet! If you mess this up you might lose her and she might end up hating you, that means Abhi won't ex- stop right there! No overthinking!' I think to myself take a deep breath.

"-that's why... uh... Rajkumar? Are you listening?" She said making me come out of my little trance.

"Uh, yes! I'm sorry the journey just might be messing with my head..." I say, with a slight stutter and chuckle sheepishly.

"Oh... right," she said, her awkward tone making me internally cringe. Well, everything can't be perfect!

"So what were you saying?" I asked, gesturing her to sit down.

"Yes! I was saying a letter came for you while you were with Bharat Shree! From Hastinapura, I wanted to give it to you..." She said handing me the letter, "that's why I came here"

"Hmm... thank you," I nodded not even sure how to talk to her... god this hasn't happened in such a long time.

"Damn this is" she started.

-awkward" we both said in sync.

She chuckles softly making me also laugh a little.

"I heard your trip was... interesting," she chuckled.

"Oh no... don't te-"

"Bhratashree told me! Brihannala huh?"

"I-... do I even have to say anything? Madhav is... creative! To say the least" I mutter the last part.

"Very!" She said though before I could say anything the door opened to reveal Madhav.

"Well isn't this adorable what are we laughing about? What of my creativity?" Madhav chuckled coming to sit beside Subhi.

"Your oh-so-amazing plan of dressing me up in a sari Madhav," I said with a sarcastic smile.

"Oh don't flatter me Parth this was nothing but a fragment of my creativity!" Madhav laughed ignoring my sarcastic tone. I roll my eyes and glance sideways at the sealed letter beside me.

"What're you lost in now?" Subhi asked making me shake my head slightly not even realizing I got lost in thought again. I sigh

"Journey... I'm just tired and in no mood to travel again all the way to Va- I mean Hastinapur..." I said with a small smile.

"How do you know it's about that? Maybe it's just news about something! You don't need to leave so soon!" She said looking at me eyebrows furrowed.

"Aww, you're gonna miss me Subhadra?" I said with a cheeky grin hopefully distracting her from my slip up.

"What? No! Why would I??" She said rolling her eyes.

"Well, you sounded like you really were Subhadrea..." Madhav smiled making her hit his shoulder.

"Ok ok! Enough teasing! Parth have fun on your trip you should probably read through the letter and get ready, Subhadrea your bhabhi was looking for you," Madhav said getting up Subhi following his lead. They leave the room leaving me alone with my thoughts once again.

I grab the letter and head back towards the balcony, ripping open the envelope removing the wax seal.

The letter was right to the point, I needed to head straight to Varnavrat and fast. I couldn't risk anything, so far little to nothing had changed but being away from them for too long couldn't be good... I didn't even bother reading the whole thing before I started packing the few things I had out and asked the Dasi to inform Madhav of my immediate departure. It was a formality even though he already knew...

After about an hour everything was ready for my departure and here I stood at the entrance of the palace of Dwarka bidding goodbye to everyone.

After the usual farewell, I went towards Subhi she had a small smile on her face though I could tell she was slightly upset and it hurt that I wouldn't be able to see her for a while to come.

"So back to Hastinapur..." She says softly not really sure what else to say I'm assuming.

I shake my head slightly with a slight chuckle "No, Varnavrat..."

"Hm? Why so?" Bhabhi Revati asks standing beside Subhi.

"There's some yagna that jyesth has to do so all of us are gonna be there..." I said. She nodded slightly but my eyes seemed to stay on Subhi who just looked at me concerned, though I'm not sure why though...

"Well Rajkumar, have a safe trip... I hope to see you soon," She says nodding.

I nod back, a wordless 'I'll miss you' on the tip of my tongue.

Madhav cleared his throat making us look away from each other noticing everyone else was obviously staring. I mentally hit my forehead and Subhi blushed slightly.

"If you're done with you're little staring contest can I say bye to my friend as well Bhadra?" Madhav chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes Madhav, we're done..."

"Have a good trip! And don't forget to bathe in the Tridevin! You know the story I'm assuming,"

"Of course... as you wish Madhav," I said shaking his hand, he nods and I take my leave.

Getting on my horse I give the city of Dwarka one last look before I start my journey to Varnavrat...

"You'll have to face many things Parth... the past isn't always how you remember it..." I heard Madhavs voice just as I exit the main doors of the city... his voice ringing in my head. I turn back towards the palace to see Madhav nowhere in sight.



Hey guy!! Ok yeah, I know it's been a while. I'm sorry, a lot's been going on but I'll try my best to update soon. I promise I haven't abandoned any of my stories!😅

I'll be updating the others by Monday. 😊

Edited: (May 30)

Hope you liked the chapter!

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