Going back...

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"The only way to save them is to send you back in time... but turning back time is impossible..."

"But you said there was a way!" I yell. He promised! There has to be a way!

"There is, just it's not exactly what you think it is..." He says with a frown.

'Anything! Please just anything!' I think still panicking

"Well, what is it??" I say

"I can't send your body back in time...that's not possible cause you can't physically mess with the wheel of time."


"I can send your conscience."

"...Like a ghost?"

"No, Like all your memories going back to a younger version of you."

"So younger me would just remember everything that happened?"

"Not quite... to you it'll seem like you just woke up in the past... you'd have your memories intact and you'll just be a younger you."

"Ok... what would happened to this me?"

"You'd go into a coma, you would still be alive but since your conscience has gone back. This you just wouldn't be able to function," Madhav explains looking at me lowering his gaze.

"oh..." is all I can say...I'm completely speechless;

Me going into a coma...I- I'd devastate my family... After everything that happened do I really have the right to take away the little happiness the end of this war has brought.

Subhi, after losing Abhimanyu would she be able to handle losing me too.

Panchi, after all the pain, the fear that she had to go through because of this war... will she be ok losing me like this?

Nakul, Deva, Bhrata Bheem after being afraid every day of losing each other, not being able to sleep worrying tomorrow might be the day they might have to perform the last rites of their own brother, after losing their children and family... and Jyesth, after being afraid of losing his younger brothers to a war that is being fought for his right on the crown, will he be ok losing me?

Mata... Jyesth Karn promised her that 5 of her sons will live. How would she react if I go into a coma?!

No! I can't think like this! Stop it Arjun! Remember what this war was for! Dharma isn't it your dharma to go back and save these countless lives?? Isn't it your responsibility to save the people who in some way, you yourself have hurt? Shouldn't the happiness and well-being of thousands be more important than a couple? 

"Parth... please don't do this! Listen to me, the price is too high and so are the risks," Madhav says trying to reason with me. 

"But so is the end result! If this works everything would be solved!... no, no I have to do this!" I say my voice nervous but determined. 

"Parth Please!" Madhav says clearly worried.

"I'm doing this! End of discussion!" I yell. 

"Parth... you being in a coma isn't the only price!" He bursts out

... silence

"I-... I Thought so... to get some things you have to lose some things. I'm willing to do anything Madhav," I say calmly with a smile

He sighs regaining his composure. 

"Ever the brave...sometimes I hate that about you," He says almost glaring, but Madhav can't really glare. He can't hate, well not me anyway. All I see is worry, something even I feel right now but have no choice but to push down. "For your conscience to go back in time you have to be free from the concept of Punya (Good deeds), the fact that for the good things you do good things will happen in return. Your Punya's tie you to this world because you're yet to receive the happiness you deserve, your Punya won't allow your conscience to go back."

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