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Nakul's words rang in my ear, the dread filling me in a sense that made me want to shrink and just disappear. This was a possibility I hadn't even considered. Could my coming back have affected them? Everything else seems to blur into the background as my head tries to come up with a logical explanation for this, but nothing makes sense anymore... is this the only change? Were there different possibilities of what could happen now?

"Bhaiya!" Nakul shakes my shoulder slightly, which makes me look up at him snapped out of the spiral of thoughts.

"No, I-" I hesitate to say anything not wanting my confusion and frustration to get the best of me. "Are you sure that's when it started kul?" I ask my voice more firm desperately wishing Nakul was remembering wrong, maybe it was before maybe he always had fear for fire, I sigh a little at my illogical spiralling thoughts but I snap out of it just in time to notice Nakul's suspicious look but he doesn't comment.

"Yes... he's never been that afraid before," He says, "you know that..."

"Right. Of course, I do..." I say, "So that's why you got so mad at the Panchal war? You got protective..."

"Of course I got protective! You know Dev he cares more about strangers than he does for himself. And I have to be the one to keep him from dying... I promised," Nakul says his anger somewhat dissipating.

"He doesn't need you to protect him as much as you think he does," I say softly, Nakul was like that. As childish as my little brother was, ever since mata Madri's death he'd considered it his job to keep his promise to her and keep Deva safe. He was always his mother's son.

"He does! He doesn't get it..."

"You'd be surprised," I try to reassure him, he hadn't seen everything yet, Dev didn't need protection. In fact, he saved us many times... throughout the war. He healed so many people, he killed Shakuni, he raised a bow against pitamah.

"Bhaiya what's up with you recently? You always seem so lost, what're you thinking about?" Nakul asks trying to read my expression, I frown.

"Nothing kul," I ask trying to seem normal, "I told you already... I didn't tell you about the fire because-"

"Yeah no, that's not it... there's something wrong with you, it's only gotten more obvious," Nakul says, the vulnerability from moments ago disappearing as he sharpens his expression.

"Do you not trust me Nakul?" I ask almost hurt, the words he said, not only now but even before the Panchal war... did he not trust me anymore?

"I do. But I also know how reckless you are..." his words prick my heart slightly and make me look to my side.

"Reckless?" I ask trying to keep my voice from sounding hurt.

"Yes, reckless. There's something wrong and you just won't say it! Everything! From gurukul to now."

"What are you talking about?!" I ask clenching my jaw trying to control my frustration.

Nakul hesitates for just a second and sighs, "Gurukul. You had this- this obsession with being the best! No matter what it cost you! Then one day it just disappears?? The day we're returning to Hastinapur you just change! Out of nowhere! Suddenly you're befriending someone who you would have hated days before!!"

"Nakul that has nothing to do-"

"How doesn't it? Fine! You befriended him! Then suddenly he became the most important person in your life! You send a letter every chance you get! And now? When we were just put in this life-threatening situation! You don't tell us about it! He's here... and he already knows," Nakul says glaring with hurt flashing in his eyes. Guilt.

"Nakul what're you trying to say?!" I almost yell.

"That you're not telling us something!! And you're trying to be the hero again! And it's gonna get us killed!!" He bursts out.

"I'm not gonna get any of you killed Nakul! I'd die myself if I let anything like that happen!!" I say my anger getting the better of me.

"I know that... you're selfless to a fault,"

"I only wanted to keep you all safe!" I try to defend myself, his every accusation hurting, like a sharp blade.

"You said you wanted to talk. Tell me then! How did you find out about the fire?" Nakul asks his voice daring and firm.

"I can't tell you that," I sigh.

"Karn knows?" He asks still glaring. I shake my head about to speak but he doesn't let me, "You always said there were 5 of us bhaiya. Like 5 fingers of a fist, that we couldn't live without one another and there would never be a 6th... why is he suddenly so important,"

"Nakul you don't understand-"

"Then make me understand!! Why?!"

"Nakul listen to me..."

"I am listening!! And you're not making any sense!! You keep saying he's so important!! Why?! Who the hell is he?! Why would you not tell us but him!! Huh?!"


"Who?! How is he more important than your brothers!"

"Damn it Nakul!! He is the 6th!! He's our brother!!"

"What the fuck?!" The unmistakable voice of Jyesth Karn yelled out from behind me.


Hope you guys liked the chapter!! Lol I'm so sorry for the long wait between the chapters I'm just in a huge writing slump 🥲😅

Yeah it's a little short but the next will be super long! Promise!

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