A Second Chance?

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I look back to see Madhav approaching me with a smile way too bright this early in the morning. I say nothing as I continue to watch the colours of the sunrise reflected in the beautiful waters of the Ganga.

"What happened? So sad this early in the morning??" Asks Madhav sitting down beside me.

"Hmm, I could ask the same...why are you so happy this early in the morning?" I retort. 

"You should be happy too! Afterall today we're heading back to Hastinapura! Back home!"

"Yeah, I'm happy," I say with a small smile

"Parth we talked about this, I understand how much you're hurting right now but we need to move on. What happened was for the betterment of the world, for Dharma," He says the smile unwavering but his voice firm and confident. 

"I know Madhav!" I burst out, I've heard this same thing way too many times. "I- I just know there's gotta be a way! There has to be a way we can change what's happened and I refuse to give up!"

"There is no way to turn back time Parth," His smile finally fading to a blank look. 

"But you're a reincarnation of Lord Vishnu himself! There must be something you can do!" I yell getting up from the floor. As I said this Madhav's expression changed, but as soon as it did it went back to his natural poker face.


But before he can finish;

"Arya! Sakha!"

"Panchi.," I whisper quickly regaining my composure.

"Yes, Sakhi!" Says Madhav his bright smile back on his face. I also try my best to give her a small smile.

"Arya everyone is ready to leave they're just waiting for us, hurry up!" Drau says, her eyes light up and that beautiful childish smile that I fell in love with.

She grabs my hand and starts leading me back to the campsite, which is mostly packed up at this point.

We quickly made out way to where the main tent used to be, where everyone was waiting for us. Narrowly avoiding bumping into several servants carrying various sizes of luggage or other things.

"Bharata Arjun! It took you sooooo long what were you doing? Din mein tare gin rahe the?! (were you counting stars in daylight??)" Deva said seeing us approach. 

Rolling my eyes "Really deva best you could come up with?? Ask Nakul for help, you really need it,"

He just gives me a cheeky grin and rolls his eyes.

"Why are you bring me into this?!" Nakul says interrupting our usual banter.

"Oh, nothing kul don't stress your big boy brain over it!" Says deva really slowly as if he's talking to a baby...

Bharata Bheem bursts out laughing.

"Deva! Nakul! Enough!" Says Jyesth being the ever responsible one.

I let out a small chuckle

"Arjun, not you too!" says Jyesth with an annoyed yet amused look.

"Bharata shree leave it, these 2 will never change!" Says subhi rolling her eyes

"Bhabhi!!" Nakul and Deva say in unison

"Ok, Ok my children you're innocent! Now can we leave!" says Mata. My smile fades at her words... no matter how much I try to convince myself that it wasn't her fault the bitterness remains... I just can't talk to her after everything that happened. 

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