(Belphegor) Who Hurt You?

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You were never one to divulge anything about your life.

You have been getting to know the brothers well, but in their part, you've never really confided much about yourself.

But you couldn't. No matter how much you wanted to open up, you didn't want to be an impediment. You don't want a reason for them to call you weak or a reason for them to think that you're vulnerable.

But for the long run, it was bound to become known soon, but you never knew when. All you did was be terrified of that day to come because you know that no one will take that lightly, not that anyone ever did.


Belphegor had invited you to his room because Beelzebub was out for the day. He wanted to talk to you and just have fun with you. Then you two would go to sleep, that was always how it is.

However, as you entered the room, Belphegor wasn't there yet. So, you decided to wait for him, just looking around because even if you were in their room a lot of times, you've never really gotten to recognize the art pieces and furniture that filled the place.

Accidentally, as you were admiring certain objects, you tipped off a glass frame that had a picture of Beelzebub and Belphegor. And of course, as if the devils have called upon him, Belphegor entered the room. Immediately, he saw the broken frame on the ground.

He didn't seem mad, but he approached you shortly, and you didn't know why you felt the urge to flinch, but when he was already so close to you, you fell to the ground hitting your hand on the photo frame that you broke. You raised your now bloody hands covering your face, "Please don't hit me. I'm sorry." You cried over and over again, getting increasingly nervous and shaky as minutes went by.

And nothing happened, instead, Belphegor knelt in front of you and calmed you down.

However, that caring face disappeared quickly as he asked you, "Who hurt you?"

He was upset, his face was with a frown, and one that was ready to avenge a damaged friend.

He then helped you get up and made you sit on the bed as he grabbed medicine packs to tend to your wounds. He was silent as he cleaned the shards of glass on your hands. You can admit he was good at it, but that thought shifted as you observed his face.

He was furious. As your friend, he hated the idea that someone ever laid their hands on you.

After finishing tending to your wounds, his angered face disappeared after a sigh.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He questioned with caring eyes. He was so worried about you, but not enough to say that he was pitying you, and you liked it that way.

You gave him a small nod, and you told him every dark detail that happened in your life. How you were in a toxic relationship and your past significant other would beat you up when you did something away from his liking.

As you were erupting tears with every word that came out of your mouth, Belphegor caressed you back and patted your head.

"Don't worry. No one's going to hurt you anymore." He said to your weeping figure, as he pulled you close to his chest and embraced you warmly.

"If someone does end up laying a hand on you, you should know, I will kill them." He said rather upset.

For those moments, even such strong words at least felt a bit comforting. You have a shelter and a set of demons as your friends. They were just like your normal set of friends, but they were so much stronger than you. Even though there was truth in that, they never once made you feel that way. Yes, the setting was different, you weren't in your world, not in your usual cocoon, but it wasn't actually that distant from the thought of home.

They were your home, always there to comfort you when your down, and provide you with words and actions that would make you feel better.

"We're always here for you," Belphegor said to you. He smiled and made sure to make you smile every day.

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