(Beelzebub) Surprises

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It was another day of living as a normal being, however, following the great and extraordinary experience that you were put through for a year, it was difficult to just go back to a normal life.

You missed the chaotic atmosphere the brothers made you a part of. You missed the moments wherein they would fight over you and win your favor. You just missed everything about them in general.

But the thing you missed the most was eating with Beel.

Eating being one of your favorite things to do, you and Beel shared the same love for almost any type of food.

He always went to your room to eat with you and watch movies with you. Whenever you had a falling out with one of the brothers, he always visited you to make you feel better.

You wished that he could do that right now. You wish you had him to fill the empty feeling that you are having.


You weren't exactly having the best day. Your boss was not the best person to be around. He threw all his responsibilities at you, and even if he did so, he always rejected the idea of giving you a raise.

You were at your house, typing up three reports at the same time so that you can finish them as early as possible but still get some sleep.

It was very unlike you to fall asleep while deeply diving into your work, but somehow today was just different.

One minute you were typing up some great stuff into the report that was tasked to you, and by the next moments, you were sleeping soundly, your head resting on the desk.

You were luckily awakened by an unfamiliar feeling that soothed your hair. You were well aware that you lived alone, so the mere fact that you felt someone caress your hair made you wary of your surroundings.

You were becoming more and more conscious, so you pretended that you were still asleep, planning to tackle whoever it was that was caressing your hair, then make a run for it.

As you waited for the perfect moment, you swiftly raised your hands to blow whoever this person was off guard, but they held your hands quicker than what you assumed was humanly possible.

You looked at who it was, and you blinked twice in disbelief to see that it was Beel.

Your tensed arms loosened up, and so did his grip on you.

"Is that really you? How–" You asked, but you cut yourself off by pulling him in an embrace in case this was just a weird dream.

"Please tell me I'm not dreaming. Please. Please." You almost cried as you just kept your arms around him.

"You're not. I'm actually here." He replied, making you freeze for a moment, because you couldn't believe it.

"Pinch me. I don't believe this." You said, trying not to be played by your own dreams.

"I won't do that because I might badly hurt you if I do." He replied, smiling at you.

"But, I'll do this instead." He continued, then pulling you to an embrace wherein you two were much closer to each other.

You felt chills as you felt his breath close to your face.

You were expecting it, but it still came as a surprise to you when he inched close to your lips and kissed you shortly.

After surprising you, he moved himself farther back and caressed your hair once more.

"Do you believe I'm real now?" He asked with a chuckle sneaking through his lips.

You were in a daze, not moving an inch since THAT moment.

"Come on now, I brought some good food. I have some Pizza here and some juice that Leviathan told me to give you. I got some soda though, just in case you don't like it." He continued feeling excited as he spoke. You on the other hand nodded, pretending that you weren't thinking about something else.

After telling you about everything he brought, he sent a smile in your direction, and it woke you up from your daze.

It was beautiful to see him smile that you wanted to make your mind a camera and just capture this moment for a while.

He extended his hand, initiating you to take it.

"Let's eat together like how we used to. I missed you a lot." He uttered with a bright smile.

You were unresponsive at first because you were in awe, but as the moment sunk in, you smiled back at him and walked in his direction.

You don't know why he is here and how he even found you, but at the moment, it isn't something you needed to ask. You just wanted to take in and treasure the moment.

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