(Simeon) My Only Request

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(Several reasons to write this story. First of all, this is because Simeon and I actually have the same month of birth; February. He was born three days after I was. Second, Simeon is a really cool and calm character, Stan him. Lastly, a friend of mine requested me to do this so, Unlnownknows here you go.)

a/n: this won't be too long.

As Simeon was listening to his friends discuss how they made him the perfect celebration, he couldn't help but think back to the memories of his birthday celebration last year.

He found it perfect, the fact that all his friends were present and you were too.

Time doesn't allow you to come to him as of the moment, hence, you couldn't attend his celebration. 

You went back to the human world recently as your time being an exchange student was over with. You were quite 'busy' as of the moment, as you had a part-time job offer as soon as you got back.

The demon brothers, Luke, and Solomon can tell that something was off with Simeon. They need not to act oblivious about it, as they all knew that he wanted to see you.


The special day was almost coming to an end, and as happy as Simeon was, there was just an ambiance missing when you're not around.

"Thank you so much for preparing all of these, I really appreciate it," Simeon said to his friends with a small smile on his face.

"I did most of the planning here," Lucifer said, crossing his arms to claim his actions.

"That's not true. I did most of the things here." Luke retorted, giving Lucifer an annoyed look.

"Guys stop fighting, you don't want Simeon to remember you two crossing each other on his birthday," Solomon said, trying to calm the raging situation.

And so the two stopped, beginning to act all friendly again.

"Anyway, we have one final gift for you." Solomon continued with a cheeky grin on his face.

"This one's really special, so you better like it," Satan added, also with a sly grin on his face.

"If you're not happy with it, then I'll just take it, so you better like it," Mammon said, looking eager at fulfilling his words.

"Excuse me, since when was I an object to be called an, 'it'?" A voice rang out from behind Lucifer. The avatar of pride smiled as he knew that you finally arrived from the human world.

The look of confusion was on Simeon's voice. He certainly recognized that voice, how couldn't he, it was the voice he's been wanting to hear for the whole day.

As you walked towards him, the others left the two of you alone.

You gave him a sweet smile, and said, "I had to make sure I was the last being you would see before your birthday ends."

He returned a sweet smile to your direction as well, he held your hand and looked at your intertwined hands as tears almost fell from his eyes.

"Should I leave, I don't want to make you cry?" You asked him in concern as you can see small particles of water forming in his eyes.

"N-no. I—I just thought I wouldn't see you today," He said, slightly smiling in disbelief.

"Well, it seems like for the first time in a while, you're wrong. I'm right here." You said to him with a calming tone in your voice.

"I know, I'm really glad that you are here." He said, he then held your hand and told you something that you found very sweet.

"You know, when they asked me to blow my candles out, you were my only request. I guess my wish came true earlier than I expected." He continued.

The way he was smiling when he told you that small information really melted your heart. It was quite clear to see that Simeon was really that type of being who would never change despite the times changing.

He's always going to be that sweet.

As his birthday was coming to an end, he pulled you an embrace until the few minutes of the day gone by.

"You made this day perfect. Thank you." He said with deep predilections hidden in his words.

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