(Lucifer) I love you, but I'm sorry.

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He used to spend a lot of time with me, but now I hardly ever see him. I'd like to believe that he's just busy with his commodities, but sometimes I can't help but feel that he's not interested in me anymore...

I'd like to wish that I'm being overdramatic about this. Or maybe I'm just being insecure. But why do I feel like something is off? Why do I feel like he is getting sick of me? Not that he doesn't have a right to be sick of me.

I just feel this invisible force that's driving me away from him. I don't know what I could have possibly done to get into this situation.

"What's up, MC!" A loud voice yelled out from the other side of the hallway. I looked to see that it was Mammon, he was always one of the loud ones.

"Hi. What's up with the loud voice? You're going to wake up all the demons in Devildom." I said to him in a neutral and emotionless tone.

"Very funny. You do realize that's impossible right?"

"I don't know Mammon. Is it impossible?" I asked him, knowing that he knew how much his loud voice can do.

I walked away from him, not even waiting for anything else to come out of his mouth. I was more of not in the mood to deal with his continuous talking.

I went ahead to find Lucifer, however, going around the place didn't tell me where he was.

I decided to phone him, hoping that he would answer, but all that was heard was the answering machine.

He never ignored my calls, and now here we are.

It hurts.

Knowing that we've been together for a few months and everything was going great then suddenly the vibe changed between us.


As I was strolling through the grounds of Devildom's finest gardens, I waited and waited for any sign that Lucifer was coming.

I checked my phone continuously, not even minding my surroundings as I made noises, caused by walking back and forth.

I was on edge. I was nervous. I felt really insecure and now disappointed.

Being all alone in a beautiful place didn't help either, it only made me feel lonelier as time went by.


All alone...


I don't think I'm alone.

I can feel eyes watching me as I pretend to not notice anything.


Satan was with Asmodeus, talking about the talks of Devildom, just walking around anywhere they could.

Upon reaching one of the gardens, Satan's eyes landed on arms that laid on the ground, covered with blood.

"Asmo, who is-?" He asked his brother.

Curiosity overtaking his mind, he walked over and tried to identify who was laying on the ground.

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