Chapter Two- Collecting The Egos

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(Art by- creativeHellstorm on DeviantArt.)

The first and easiest Iplier to find was Dr. Iplier, who was walking around the house to check on everyone. No one would let him do so since all he did was say they were going to die. Dark found the doctor leaving Yancy's room with a clipboard in hand and bags under his eyes.

"There you are," Dark said, walking up to the seemingly sick doctor, who looked at him in confusion.

"Hm? What do you need? Are you sick too?" Dr. Iplier asked, touching Dark's forehead with the back of his hand to feel his temperature. Feeling no temperature at all, Dr. Iplier looked at his clipboard and scribbled something down.

"I'm sorry. You're dying," the doctor said, patting Dark's shoulder in sympathy.

"I'm already dead," Dark clarified with a deadpan expression, smacking Dr. Iplier's hand off of his shoulder. "You need to go to bed like everyone else."

"But then I would be a useless doctor. Useless doctors are the worse kind of doctors, just like that sad excuse for a doctor Jack has," Dr. Iplier said with a frown.

"But a doctor is even more useless when they're dead, now aren't they?" Dark asked. Dr. Iplier froze and put his clipboard down, staring at the wall in thought. Dark finally noticed the red of the man's nose and the slight sweat on his forehead. 'Better hurry,' Dark thought.

"Well, I guess you're right," Dr. Iplier sighed, walking off to his room, his head hung low. Dark slightly nodded to himself and sought out for the next Iplier he needed to find; Bing. Dark went upstairs where the more energetic Egos were and located the door with an orange Bing logo. Dark knocked, hearing the shuffling of paper and giggling from the other side of the door, and waited. There was a moment of silence before the android answered the door with his usual sunglasses over his eyes, obviously hiding something.

"Suh, dude," Bing greeted. There was a groan behind him; Dark could see the deadish purple Septic from behind Bing wave with a toothy smile. Dark gave a weak smile back at the zombie, then looked at Bing.

"The others have been feeling sick or tired lately. How have you been feeling?" Dark asked.

"I'm fine, bro. Everything's dope here, right Robs?" Bing asked, turning to Robbie, who groaned out an answer.

"Bbbeeeee ssslleeeeep.." Robbie groaned, pointing a slender finger at Bing's sunglasses. Dark raised an eyebrow and looked at the android.

"Robster! I thought we were chill, bro!" Bing shouted, acting as if Robbie betrayed him. Dark took the opportunity to take off Bing's sunglasses, and the first thing he noticed was Bing's usual bright orange eyes were now very dull.

"You're tired or at least low on battery," Dark stated. Bing stuttered out nonsense as he attempted to get his sunglasses back.

"I'm not! I'm good! Rob and I are good; everything's dope!" Bing yelled, grabbing his sunglasses back and putting them back on his face.

"Besides, even if I was, who would look after the little dude?" Bing stated, pointing at Robbie, who started chewing on his arm. Dark walked over to the dead Septic and pulled the decaying arm out of his mouth.

"Dr. Schneeplestein will be here to check on the Iplier's and to pick up Robbie. If everyone is sick, wouldn't Robbie get sick as well? He does have a weaker immune system, after all," Dark stated. Bing paused.

"Holy [CENSORED], You're right," Bing realized, going over to Robbie and patting his head.

"Sorry, Robster," Bing apologized, earing a hug from the decaying living corpse.

"Iiitt ookkaaaayy," Robbie groaned out. Dark picked up Robbie, then sent Bing to his charging station. After Bing was asleep, Dark took Robbie to the living room to watch cartoons as he searched for the other two Ipliers. Dark put on Harold And The Purple Crayon, a show he watched when he was young, then walked into the kitchen. He opened the cupboard and opened a secret compartment in the back, pulling out a jar of peanut butter.

"In case King goes missing, use this," Dark read out loud. He shrugged then snapped his fingers, his outfit changing from a suit and tie to a black turtleneck sweater and jeans. He walked back into the living room to check on Robbie one last time.

"Robbie, I'll be back soon. Don't open the door and stay in the living room. If you're hungry, wait until I get back," Dark called to Robbie, who groaned a little in response, eyes glued to the screen. Dark then left to find The King Of The Squirrels.

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