Chapter Four- Dr. Schneeplestein will see you now

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(Art by- CaitlinStevensArt on DeviantArt. At least that's where I found this.)

A few hours later, the German doctor arrived at the front door. Dark answered and allowed him in. The first thing Henrik noticed were the walls, which still had purple doodles on the white surface.

"Vat happened here?" Henrik asked, pointing to the walls. Dark pointed to the DVD case of Harold And The Purple Crayon, then pointed to Robbie, who was too busy watching Winnie the Pooh to notice.

"Oh. Vell zen, zee problem?" Henrik asked, looking at a clipboard he brought with him.

"The Iplier's. They're either tired or sick. So far, I just have seen the sick ones, besides Host and Bing," Dark explained. Henrik hummed to himself and began to go around to check on each Iplier. Dark sighed to himself and went to check on someone, making sure the show occupied Robbie first. Dark walked down the halls and knocked on a plain door. There was a coughing fit behind the door and a stuttering answer to come in. Dark walked in and slightly smiled at the anxious boy in bed.

"Hey, Eric," Dark quietly greeted. Eric peeked out from under his covers and looked at him.

"H-hi, Mr. D-Darkiplier," Eric stuttered out, causing him to cough. Dark sat at the end of Eric's bed and waiting until he stopped couching.

"You feeling okay?" Dark asked. Eric shook his head, slightly trembling from how weak he was.

"Well, just to let you know, Dr. Schneeplestein is here to check on every one since Dr. Iplier is sick too," Dark said. Eric flinched at the sound of the good doctor's name, having a fear of doctors and everything else.

"It's okay. Henrik is safe," Dark promised.

"But d-didn't he threaten t-to k-kill a person he w-was operating?" Eric stuttered.

"Well, maybe, but he didn't. Peter died anyway, and that's beside the point. Henrik is giving you a check-up, not a surgery. You're going to be okay," Dark assured. Eric hesitated before visibly calming down. At that moment, Henrik walked in, clipboard in hand, which caused Eric to hide under his blankets. Dark sighed.

"Oh, Dark. Vu are here. Vy are vu here? In Eric's room? Just curious," Henrik slightly rambled. Dark hesitated; Henrik was acting strange.

"Making sure Eric was okay. He's nervous, and I'm here to calm him down," Dark explained.

"Oh. Alright. Anyvay; hello Eric. I am Doctor Henrik Von Schneepilstine, und I am here to zee vat's vrong," Henrik said. Eric slightly peeked out from underneath his covers and looked at the Septic. As Henrik checked Eric's temperature, Dark noticed something. Eric's room was at the end of the hall. How and why did Henrik check on most of the Ipliers so quickly then take his sweet time with Eric? Why did he pause when he noticed Dark was in the room? Was Henrik okay? Was he in a rush?

"Alright, Eric. Just drink plenty of vater, und get lots of rest. Take zis as vell." Henrik reached into his pocket and pulled out a bottle of red pills. He took one of the medication out of the container and placed it into Eric's palm. Eric looked down at it then looked at Dark, who hesitated but nodded. Eric took the apple juice from his bedside table and popped the pill in his mouth, sipping the drink after. Somehow, Dark could see Henrik smirk.

"Vell zen, I have to check on zee others," Henrik said, leaving the room. Eric's eyelids felt heavy as the door shut. Dark looked at Eric.

"Are you feeling okay?" Dark asked. Eric nodded and put his head back on his pillow. Dark ruffled the boy's hair.

"Sleep well, Eric," Dark muttered as he left the room, seeing the German doctor going upstairs to check on the other Ipliers. Dark went back to the living room to see Robbie asleep on Dark Chica, who rested behind the zombie on the couch. Dark slightly smiled and went to get some soap, water, and a bucket to clean the crayon off of the walls.

As Dark scrubbed the walls, he had lots of time to think, mostly about Henrik. He acted stranger than usual, and his accent seemed off. Was he sick too? Were all the Septics sick? Probably not; when Dark called earlier, Jameson sounded like he could sign alright, and whoever walked in on the conversation (probably Chase) seemed okay, so it couldn't be sickness. And what about his strange speed to Eric's room? It took only a minute or so for Henrik to check on all of the Ipliers in the hallway then when he got to Eric's room, he took about three minutes. Was something going on? Did Henrik even check on them correctly?

Dark put down the soap and bucket then went down the hall to check on a few people in that hall. The first person he checked on was Yancy, who was asleep when Dark opened the door. Dark checked the glass of water on his bedside table and saw it was half empty; Yancy probably took the pill already. Dark quietly left and went to check on the Jims. Both boys were on their bunk beds, one of the Jims close to falling off the edge. Dark carefully put the twin safely back before checking their water glasses. Only one glass was empty; they must have shared a glass of water, which wasn't a good idea at the time. They took their pills. Dark quietly left once again and went to check on Bim. He, too, had a half-empty water glass.

Dark went to check the lesser-known egos, MarkBop, The King of Five Nights at Freddy's (also known as the guard), Artiplier, Chef Iplier, and more; Henrik had seen them all. Each of them had half-empty glasses of water. Dark was confused. How did Henrik work so fast? Dark left an Ego's room and walked back to the living room where Henrik carefully picked up Robbie.

"I see you have finished, and rather quickly as well," Dark commented, seeing the doctor freeze up and look at him.

"Ah, ja. I did. I've had lots of practice," Henrik replied, carrying Robbie over his shoulder. Henrik waved and left with the sleeping zombie. Dark hesitated. Did Henrik gain some speed? Dark shook his thoughts away and went back to scrubbing the walls with Henrik still on his mind.

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