Chapter Six- A Harsh Slap Of Realization

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It took a little bit, but Dark found out how to untie the German and take him upstairs to Dr. Iplier's office to stop the bleeding from Henrik's head. One of the first things Dark noticed was the doctor wasn't in his room.

"Edward?" Dark called out. Nothing.

"He isn't here? Vat did I exbect from ein fake doctah??" Henrik spat. Dark looked around again, hoping the other doctor was nearby.

"Strange; Edward usually never leaves his room, especially when the house is busy," Dark thought out loud. He then shrugged and helped Henrik to the hospital bed Edward had.

"It's almost strange how no one woke up to you banging your head against the wall. That was loud," Dark commented, grabbing some bandages for Henrik's head.

"Vilford slebt through ein Hearthquake und chaos of his cauzing," Henrik snapped. Dark paused but slightly nodded. Wilford could sleep through anything. Dark wrapped bandages around the good doctor's head as he continued talking.

"Zo, vat did zat fake doctah do? All I rememper is valking to your houze und efferyzing koing plack," Henrik asked.

"Well, you came over and checked on everyone. Then you left with-" Dark paused. "You gave everyone strange pills and walked around the house at Sugar Rush Wilford's speed as if you were only walking into their room, giving them the pill and leaving the moment you finished!" Dark panicked and ran out of Edward's room, quickly rushing to that familiar pink door. Dark slammed it open, not thinking about the consequences if Wilford was still there. Dark's eyes widened as he glanced at Wilford's empty, messy bed. It didn't take long for Dark to notice the hint of red on the psycho's pillow. An obvious sign of struggle.

"No... No, no, no!" Dark muttered to himself as he ran to check everyone's room. Host, Google, Ed Edgar, The Jims, Bim Trimmer, Silver Shephard, Yandere, King of the Squirrels; they weren't there. Dark continued to search. Dr. Edward Iplier, Bing, Yancy, Eric, Derek, Captain Magnum, Illinois, Randal; they were gone too! Dr. Edwin Plier, Chef Iplier, Artiplier, Harold B Darrensworth,  MarkBop, the King of Five Nights at Freddy's; They were all gone!

Dark only had one last hope. Dark rushed to the upstairs room at the very end of the hallway and ran to a door with a pixelated letter M and a pink mustache on the wooden frame. He burst into the room, silently praying that there was still a sliver of hope, but his cold heart shattered as he saw the bedroom was empty.

"No... I can't believe this is happening," Dark muttered as he walked back to Edward's room, where Henrik waited.

"Is efferyzing okay?" Henrik asked, wrapping the last of the bandages around his head. Dark paused, wondering if he should show any weakness or emotion, but he lost his family to an imposter. Dark took a shaky breath as he quietly spoke to the German.

"Everyone's... gone; all the Egos, the lesser-known Egos, even Mark," Dark muttered, trying his best not to whimper. Henrik's eyes widened as well.

"Effen Robbie?!" Henrik screeched. Dark thought for a moment, remembering the fake doctor took the zombie with him. Dark nodded, and that was all Henrik needed to get up without hesitation, completely ignoring the pain throbbing in his head.

"Henrik, you need to rest! That injury on your head is massive!" Dark objected, trying to keep the doctor from leaving.

"I don't care! Zome schtranger has Robbie! I von't schtand py und let mein- uh, I mean zat kid get hurt!!" Henrik yelled. Dark thought for a moment. Henrik was right. He needs to stop crying like a child and save his family.

"You're right. But who would be stupid enough to not only kidnap a famous YouTuber but a whole family of crazy people?" Dark asked.

"Or traumatized or chust blain schtrange," Henrik added. Dark slightly nodded.

"But who would be dumb enough to do that?" Dark asked again.

"Maype zee real gueszion is vo knovs zee Ibliers exist?" Henrik asked. Dark thought for a moment. No one knew about any of the Egos except for their creators and the Egos themselves. Dark shrugged, unsure about who would know about and kidnap the Ipliers. He then thought of something.

Dark's heart dropped to his stomach.

"Henrik... Who has the power to act like anyone? To look like them, to act like them, and to fool anybody?" Dark rambled. Henrik paused.

"If zis is ein guiz on vu Ibliers, I haffe nein itea. All I know is Robot man, Fake Doctah, und vu," Henrik answered. Dark sighed.

"I don't expect you to know him anyway. His name is Actor," Dark muttered. "Wilford and I knew him before..."

"Pefore Vo Killed Markiblier?" Henrik asked. Dark nodded and started to head to the door.

"Vere do vu zink vu're koing?" Henrik asked. "Vu sdop me from leaffing, yet here vu are, trying to leaffe!"

"Henrik, you don't understand. The Actor is ruthless, cruel, and incredibly unstable; my family is in danger!" Dark yelled, trying to keep his aura under control.

"Zo is Robbie! If vu are koing to zaffe your family, I am koing to zaffe mine as vell!" Henrik shouted.

"N̶ ̶O̶!" Dark shouted, his aura growing with Dark's inpatients. The longer he waits, the more time Actor had to hurt his family. Henrik went silent and slightly clutched his head in pain from Dark's shout.

"I can't let you get hurt. I promise I will come back, not only with the Ipliers and Mark but with Robbie as well," Dark promised. Henrik hesitated, unsure if he should agree. It took a few moments, but Henrik nodded, trusting that Dark could keep his promise.

"Alright, fine. Put if vu come pack vizout Robbie, I am koing to end vu," Henrik threatened. Dark nodded as well and left, mentally preparing himself for whatever will happen next.

It is time! I have been waiting for this! The next chapter is going to be fun to write! I'm very excited!

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