Chapter Three- A Walk In The Park

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(Not sure whose art this is. I can't read the name in the picture. If anyone else can read it or knows who the artist is, please let me know so I can credit them.)

Dark never really liked going out in public; too many people assumed many things about him and the others. Some thought they were psychotic siblings, and others thought the Ipliers were the same drunk guy in costumes, even though Mark couldn't drink alcohol. Luckily it was cold today, so not many people were at the park. Dark looked around, seeing nothing but the playground and a few trees. 'Where is he?' Dark thought.

Dark looked at the ground as he heard little paws scamper past him and a dog's bark not too far away. That gave him an idea. Dark reached into his pocket and pulled out a small Antisepticeye plush with a tiny squeaker inside, and the left arm ripped off. A toy he made himself. A dog toy. Dark squeezed the dog toy a few times, then waited. After a few moments, Dark felt something brush against his leg. He looked down to see a Golden Retriever with bits of red and blue mixed in the fur and deep sunken eyes with small white dots for pupils.

"Hi, Chica. How are you doing, girl?" Dark asked in a similar tone to how anyone would talk to their dogs; not even Dark could speak to a dog in a normal voice. Dark bent down and pet Dark Chica's fur, earning a smile and tail wags from the dark version of Mark's dog.

"Why didn't I think of this earlier?" Dark asked himself, handing the handmade dog toy to Dark Chica and smiling as she took it in her mouth and started to chew on it. Dark liked to imagine the squeak as Anti's screams for mercy, and Dark had a feeling Dark Chica imagined the same thing.

"Chica, you wanna get some squirrels? Want to get some squirrels, Chica-bica? Want to help me find the funny peanut butter man?" Dark cooed, getting the puppy excited. Dark then stood up and let Dark Chica wander around the park. Dark Chica sniffed the ground for any King smell, then perked up. Something scampered nearby, and Dark Chica ran after it, her barking echoing through the park. Dark ran after her, no matter how crazy it looked, and kept close. Dark Chica ran after the squirrel but stopped as the creature rushed up a tree, that didn't stop her from barking at it.

"No! Down! You're scaring the baby squirrels! Down, doggie, down!" Someone called. Dark smirked a little as he looked up the tree and saw the guy he needed.

"King, what are you doing?" Dark asked over Dark Chica's echoing barks.

"I am being a good king and keeping my citizens safe from the sickness!" King declared, causing him to sneeze and wipe his nose, smearing the peanut butter on his face.

"You don't say," Dark said with a deadpan expression.

"I do say. That's what I declared just now," King clarified.

"King, why don't you come home?" Dark offered, calming down Dark Chica by putting his hand on her head.

"But then who would protect the squirrels?" King asked with a worried expression. 'He's serious about this,' Dark thought to himself.

"Well, you are in no condition to protect them yourself. You're sick too, so aren't you putting the squirrels in danger by being around them?" Dark asked. King hesitated, a look of horror growing on his face with every silent moment.

"Oh my gosh. I put my subjects in danger! I have betrayed the squirrels! I'm a bad king!" King said, tearing up. Dark sighed and rubbed his nose.

"You are not a bad king. A bad king would harm his subjects on purpose; you did it on accident," Dark clarified. King sniffled and wiped his tears, smearing his peanut butter onto his arms and his cheeks.

"Come on. I have a fresh jar of peanut butter. Let's get you home," Dark said, holding out the jar of peanut butter he almost forgot he had. King hesitated but climbed down the tree, muttering apologies under his breath. As his feet hit the grass, Dark handed him the peanut butter and patted his shoulder. King took the jar and smeared the spreading on his face, making a beard of peanut butter.

"Ready to go?" Dark asked. King took a breath and nodded, allowing Dark to guide him back to the house with Dark Chica not too far behind.

When they got back to the house, no one could blame Dark for slightly screaming when he found the walls covered in purple markings, most likely crayons.

"I forgot to tell Robbie not to draw on the walls. How did I forget to tell Robbie not to draw on the walls?!" Dark yelled at himself, causing the dead Septic to look up from his wall drawing of a weird looking porcupine and happily wave, unaware he did something wrong.

"I'm guessing putting on 'Harold And The Purple Crayon' was a bad idea," Dark said, rubbing his eyes.

"What's that?" King asked.

"It's a cartoon about this kid who creates worlds by drawing with a purple crayon. Every episode starts with him drawing by his windowsill and entering his little world, then every episode ends with him drawing a window around a moon and going back to bed," Dark explained. King blinked.

"You... know that show?" King asked.

"I used to watch it when I was a child," Dark explained. "Go to bed. Give me the peanut butter first, but go to bed. Dr. Schneeplestein will be here soon to check on everyone," Dark demanded. King lowered his head and gave Dark the jar, then wandered to his room. Dark then sighed and went to Robbie. He yanked the crayon from Robbie's hand, which earned a whine from the younger ego, and put the crayon in his pocket.

"Robbie, no. No drawing on the walls," Dark scolded. Robbie pouted as Dark carried him to the couch and put on a different cartoon, Winnie The Pooh.

"Robbie, do you know where Jackieboy Man and Silver Shepherd go around this time? I don't feel like wandering the city looking for a guy in a Halloween costume and a guy in pajamas," Dark wandered. Robbie pouted, turned away from Dark, and crossed his arms, demanding an apology. Dark sighed.

"Robbie. I'm sorry for acting the way I did. It was wrong for me to treat you that way, and I apologize for my behavior. Even though you did something wrong, I shouldn't have acted like that. Can you forgive me?" Dark apologized. Robbie started to smile and turned back around, giving Dark a surprisingly strong hug.

"Iiitt ookkaaaayy," Robbie groaned with a smile. Dark hesitated but hugged back, slightly smiling. The front door suddenly opened, and Dark pulled away from the hug instantly and looked at the door.

"Silver Shepherd, where have you been?" Dark asked.

"Around fighting crime with Jackieboy Man," Silver Shepherd replied. "Hold on." Silver Shepherd turned around and lifted his mask above his nose, letting out a loud sneeze and a while fit of coughs.

"That answers my next question. Get to bed. Dr. Schneeplestein will be here soon," Dark said as Silver Shepherd put his mask back on and turned back around.

"But what about Dr. Iplier?" he asked.

"Don't tell him, and we'll be fine," Dark answered. Silver Shepherd shrugged and went to his room. Dark sighed and slid down the couch. Now he needed to clean the crayon off of the wall. Dark Chica walked over to Dark, growing to her bigger size and lying in front of him. Dark smiled a little. Maybe he could use this time to get a little bit of rest before Henrik arrived.

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