Malis Magic

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Ok wow. Only two chapters in and this already has over 200 reads!! This book is going to be amazingly cool. Thanks for all the support for this book!! I mean only three chapters and this already has over 200 reads! Amazing! Thanks for the support and enjoy the chapter!!!!
Ghost's P.O.V

I hit a wall. I fall on the ground. That hurt a lot. I stand up and lean on the wall. Dylan looks at me. Dylan fires something at me. I put up a barrier. It hits it. Dylan walks towards me.

"Dylan please listen to us. Let us explain."

"Sky already explained enough." Dylan said. 

'If he did. Why then? Why would you turn your back on Sky?" Dylan looks at me.

"He deserves it!" Dylan yells. She hits me with a spell. I hit the wall and then go through it. I hit a pillar and crack it. I sink to the floor. I look at Dylan. I turn out of my ender form. I stand up slowly. My left leg hurts a lot. We need Sky.

"Sky you there?" No answer.

"Sky answer me. Your sister is here attacking. You need to calm her down to let us explain. She won't listen to us."

Ian's P.O.V
Dylan comes in. We go flying back away from Mitch. Mitch can't move. I sit up and look at Dylan. She points her hand at Mitch. I stand up quickly and go in front of her hand.

"Dylan think about what your doing." She glares at me.

"Ian move out of my way." Dylan said. No. I'm not moving.

"You'll have to move me yourself." Dylan doesn't move. She glares at me.

"Ian move!" Dylan yells.

"No! I'm not moving." Dylan will hurt Ghost, Sky, Ty, and Mitch. Why not me? What makes me so special? Dylan lowers her hand.

"You'll hurt everyone else, but me. What makes me so special?" Dylan backs away. She leaves.

Dylan's P.O.V

I look at Ian. I can't hurt him. I just can't.

"You'll hurt everyone else, but me. What makes me so special?" Ian asks. Well for one I don't want you to get hurt. I back away from him. I go outside. I run into the forest. I stop. My eyes turn normal. I clench my fists. I'm going to finish what Daddy started. Even if I have to kill Sky, I will finish what Dad wanted. Sky was wrong about Dad. He wouldn't hurt Mom. Sky's weakness is the Blight curse and that girl. But his biggest of all is that army. But since Ian is there, I can't do it. Not without hurting him. For some reason I don't want Ian to get hurt. I don't care about him. No I don't. That girl, Kitty is Sky's weakness. I smirk. Those girls are the boys weaknesses. But I'm going to hit Kitty first since that would hurt Sky. Yet this doesn't feel right, but after what Sky has done. He deserves it. Seeing Sky and coming home with him, it felt like it use to be. Happy and not alone. Sky said he would be there whenever I needed him, but where was he after all these years. With those friends of his and army. Sky said something about Austin taking them and taking care of him. What I can't change the past. But I have to know what really happened. 

"You want revenge don't you?" Someone asks. I turn my head. Some guy is standing there. 

"Who are you?" He comes towards me. He has black jeans, black sneakers, a long jacket that reaches his feet with a gray shirt under it, brown hair, brown eyes and a necklace with a blue gem in it.

"Zach. Pretty brave taking on the Sky Army like that. How did you get so close to them?" Zach asks. 

"I'm Sky's sister. He trusts me. But I found out something about him that I didn't like." Zach puts his arm around my shoulders. 

Lost: Book 7 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now