Author's Note- IMPORTANT!!!

521 17 44

Ummm....come on....anything...wait maybe that would be stupid. Oh. Just having a conversation with myself. Nothing weird right?!?!? Don't judge me! Just one minute.......that could it could it would make them confuse. No it wouldn't. Yes it would rethink it........Oh. Right wait your writing this?! I am?!?! O my god.

Nothing weird has happen. I don't know what your talking about. I was not talking to myself like a crazy person. I don't know what your talking about. 

To the point of this little note. Wait what was the point......right. 

IDEAS!! I need some. I have no more. I have trying  to come up with something for the past two days. I wrote the next chapter and I was going to post when I second guess myself about it and I deleted it. Then I wrote another one and was about to post it when I second guess myself. 

Actually come to think of it, this book would have like over 20 chapters if I didn't second guess myself and delete a lot of chapters before I posted them. 

I have nothing! Zero zip. Wait. (rereads book) Nope I got nothing. What I would usually do is reread the book and I would have a great idea like usually. But lately I have been second guessing myself like over 20 times. 

They only book that I actually have ideas for is Cursed. Which would explain why I have been paying attention to it more then the series. 

I have something to tell you that you guys would most likely disagree with. Actually all of you might. I hope all of you do because it would help make me feel better what happen. 

So this is how a conversation went between me and my friend (That we are no longer talking to each other just so you guys know). Guys I just need to get this off my chest cause it's been bothering me for a while. You don't have to read this conversation with me and my friend. But she was trying to get me to stop writing for Wattpad. (Not naming names. You know who you are out there! Unless you finally stop reading my stories like the jerk you are)

Friend: So when are you stopping the Sky Army Series? 

Me: I don't know. 

Friend: When are you going to stop writing for it?

Me: Are you trying to get me to stop writing for Wattpad?

Friend: MMaayybbee.

Me: Are you serious?

Friend: What about your grades in school? Arn't they like bad since you started?

Me: I have As and Bs in all my classes. 

Friend: But seriously when are you going to stop writing?

Me:When do you think I should?

Friend: How about today you should?


Friend:What it's a good idea to stop writing. I mean what good comes from it? Besides your bad at it anyway.

Me: Really?

Friend: Yeah you are. The people who follow you on there just feel bad that you are bad at what you write. I mean those ideas are stupid and dumb. No one wants to read it. I'm surprise that you actullay got one person to read it. 

Me:......(Her saying that to me made me very upset and hurt)

Friend: What I say? Come on you know it's true.

Me: Even if it is. It's not something that you tell someone. 

Friend:So you'll stop writing and hang out with me more.

Me: I get 8 or 9 hours to hang out with you a day. 

Friend: That's not enough. 

Me: For me it is. 

Friend: It's your followers or me? Choose your followers and I'm not your friend anymore. Choose me and you stop writing for Wattpad forever.

Me: Are you freaking serious?! Your making me choose. 

Friend: Which one Emma? Those followers of yours arn't there for you at all. They don't care about you!


Friend: After all I have done for you.

Me: What have you done for me?! I have been helping you more then you do for me. You haven't done one nice thing for me. You just insult me and try to control me! (This is very true)

Friend: I don't try to control you! Wattpad or me choose one!

Me: But..

Friend: Come on. Shut down your account. Delete that dumb series and your other books. It's not worth it. They don't care about you or that series one bit. They don't read it at all.

Me: Yes they do.

Friend: How do you know?

Me: I don't, but I trust them enough that they do. 

Friend: Choose. 

You can most likely tell what I choose. I can't believe that she did that! No one but me and her and you guys know about this conversation. My other friend is fully supported of me doing this. This friend that wanted me to choose was not happy about it since I got over 50 followers. Since that conversation don't know what to write for this series anymore. It's like she put some curse on me. I'm serious I got nothing and she is a jerk. 


Wait she isn't right right? 


Lost: Book 7 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now