Losing Her

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Song is On My Own By Ashes Remain. 

Sky's P.O.V

I stop next to Robert. 

"What's wrong Sky?" Robert asks. 

"Keep your guard up from now on. If my sister shows up here. Don't welcome her. She is a threat now." 

"Your sister? That has to kill you. What did she do?" Robert asks. 

"She put Seto in a coma." His eyes widen.

"Seto's in a coma right now?" Robert asks. I tried to reach out to her, but I couldn't.

"Yeah so be careful from now on." Robert nods. 

"Thanks for the warning Sky." Robert said. He leaves. I leave too. I head West village. 

Dylan's P.O.V

What if Sky is right? I feel like he is. But nevermind that. 

"Is there anything else that could hurt Sky?" Zach asks. I smile. 


"What about her?" Drew asks. 

"The most powerful and heartbreaking thing. Why didn't I try it before?"  

"What are you talking about?" Zach asks. 

"Kitty and Sky." 

"They are in love aren't they?" Lois asks. 

"Yes they are. I'm doing this alone. You guys wait till I come back." 

"Your not breaking them up are you?" Max asks. I look at him. 


"It's just don't you think that's a little overboard?" Max asks. 

"It would crush Sky more then you know Max. I know how much she means to him. Trust me Kitty is what can break Sky forever." I leave them. 

Sky's P.O.V

I see Kitty. 

"Just couldn't stay away could you?" Kitty stops in front of me. I get off my horse. 

"Dylan could be out here." Kitty said. 

"Yes she could. But I can handle her." 

"Are you sure? It's your sister." Kitty asks. 


"I don't think so." Someone said. Someone grabs me and we appear somewhere else. I look at them. 

"Lily. But your dead." She smiles. 

"I don't think so. I said I would come back." Lily said. We are not far from where Kitty is. Chains grab me again and I get pin against a tree. AGAIN! I can't move. Lily walks in front of me. 

"Sky you know what I want." Lily said. 

"Not in a million years. How did you get back?" 

"I will go away once I get what I want." Lily said. This is a trap waiting to happen. She kisses me. If she will go away. I kiss her back. I feel her hand on my neck. She leans back. 

"That's all I wanted." Lily said. She leaves. Kitty comes out. She is a couple of feet away fro me. O no. How long was she standing there?!

"Sky how could you?" Kitty asks. I can't move or get out of these chains. I struggle. I need to get to her. 

"Kitty let me explain." Tears start coming down her face. 

"No. I don't want to hear it. I trusted you. We're done." Kitty said. She leaves crying. I struggle more, I need to get out of these chains. But I can't. 

"Wait Kitty come back!" No. 

"Sky how you doing so far?" Ty asks. No. 

"Sky you okay?" Jason asks. No I just loss Kitty. Tears start coming down my face. I look at the ground. I close my eyes. 

"Sky you there?" Ty asks. Dylan did this. She knows how much Kitty means to me. But she didn't have to break us up. I love Kitty and losing her is something I can't take.

"Sky Midnight's here! We need your help." Ian said. They can deal with it. 

"Your still fighting here. Come on answer is buddy." Ty said. What's the point of fighting? It starts raining. Someone could have at least unchained me. I can't fight without Kitty beside me. I can't. I need her more then she needs me. The others can do this themselves. I'm done.

"Sky you okay?" Ian asks. No I'm not. I just loss the only girl that I loved. 

Dylan's P.O.V

I turn out of Lily back to me. I stop and look at Sky. 

"How could you be that heartless?" Someone asks. I look towards the voice. Max. 


"I hate Sky too. But you don't mess with...love. Sky was right. I know he was right to kill your dad. It was the only way to stop him. By telling how Sky is now, you finally broke him, I hope you finally have your revenge. He's your brother Dylan. I may not know what he did to you to make you like this. But that was uncalled for. I don't think Sky would lie to you Dylan." Max said. Max leaves. I look at Sky. No he deserves this. But I feel guilty for this. I shouldn't. He deserves it.  I start walking away from him. I find myself slowing down to a stop. Mom is a couple of feet away from me. 

"Mom." She walks towards me. 

"Dylan, why would you break Sky's heart?" Mom asks. 

"He deserves it. You died because of him." Mom puts her hands on my shoulders. 

"No I didn't. Sky has been telling you the truth. I was protecting Sky from Herobrine hurting him. Sky killed Herobrine because he was going to kill innocent people." Mom said. 


"Sky would never do things without a reason." Mom said. I look at her. 

"But the ritual was already completed. What Herobrine started will be finished. I did this for you." Mom takes a couple of steps away from me. 

"Dylan is this what you think I wanted. Sky heartbroken and you the cause of it. No. I just want you two to get along and fight together." Mom said. 

"He deserves it." 

"No he doesn't. So many people depend on Sky to keep them safe. I tapped into Sky's thoughts a couple of minutes ago. He's given up. Because he lost Kitty, he depends on her. Without her he is basically broken Dylan. Dylan please fix this. These people on the Overworld need Sky. Not broken Sky. Your brother needs you." Mom said. I say nothing. She disappears. I look at the ground. I look at Sky. I don't know what to do now. 

Another book YAY OR NAY IN THE COMMENTS!!!!! 

Lost: Book 7 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now