Chapter 29

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"I'm not any good at chess." Hermione said, looking at the looming white pieces on the other side of the room. "Are you?"

Harry shook his head, clutching onto Draco's sleeve, his hands shaking with fear, wishing he could just disappear into the floor. Draco wasn't faring much better than the other two, sure, he could play a decent game of chess, but he was no where near good enough to ensure their safety in this giant game that would kill them if they messed up.

"I guess I'll take the lead then." Draco said after a moment. "Harry, you take the king position, Granger, you take the bishop, I'll be the queen." The pieces Draco had mentioned moved themselves off the board, the unlikely trio taking their respective places.

"What do we do now?" Hermione asked, looking across to Draco who was biting his lip, looking at all the pieces.

"White moves first, so we need to wait for the first move to be made." Draco said, before one of the great marble pawns moved forwards. It almost felt like the grating stone was some kind of count down to their end, perhaps they should have stayed in the room of keys after all.

"Right, so, um." Draco stuttered, not sure what piece he should move, after all, if he messed up once, it could be the end for them, especially Harry, and he didn't want any more harm to come to Harry that's why he was the king, then he only had to worry about protecting one piece, not that he didn't want to protect himself and Hermione, but Harry was the most important in his opinion. "Pawn to E3."

The stone grated, putting their nerves on edge as they waited for what was sure to come.


Slamming the door, Remus looked pale as the others finally caught up with him. 

"Moony, what's wrong?" Sirius asked, feeling urgent and his worry not being helped by the slamming of the door and the lack of the children with the tall man.

"There is and angry Cerberus on the other side of this door." Remus said, "Thankfully I couldn't see any blood though, so I think the kids are okay."

"It's music to get past a Cerberus, right?" Sirius asked, looking at the door, feeling apprehensive, but getting Harry back was more important than being afraid of a Cerberus.

"Yes, it doesn't matter how good the music is." Narcissa said, she had once looked after a puppy Cerberus, they really were very cute when they were puppies, however when they got older, they became more anxious about others and small spaces, so wat was one doing in a school? Who cares if this was an area banned, there was nothing more than a door keeping children and a Cerberus apart.

"Then, whose going to sing?" Sirius asked.


Draco had messed up, Harry was safe, Draco having managed to surround him with pawn to prevent a check mate, but he didn't think there was a way for him to avoid being taken out while they still win. "Hermione, you have to protect Harry no matter what!" Draco called out to the girl at the edge behind him.

"Why, what are you planning?" Hermione asked, starting to get scared by Draco's tone, how exactly was she supposed to explain to two wizards she didn't know how their son she wasn't friends who died doing something she and Harry dragged him along to, but neither of them know why. "Malfoy, you'd better not be doing anything stupid!"

"Harry, make sure to stay safe." He said, an almost sad smile on his face as he turned back to the piece he knew was going to take him out as soon as he'd had his go. Harry's eyes widened, his hands waving as she tried to sign at Draco to not do it, he was scared.

Draco moved forwards, taking a piece that would have been able to get Harry into a check mate in two moves, the knight standing behind him raising its spear. Draco flinched away, preparing himself for the hit as he closed his eyes. Harry watched with his eyes widening in fear as the point came crashing towards the blond boy.

A burst of magic blasted through the room, making Hermione cover her face in fear of being hit, all the chess pieces disintegrating so there was nothing left in the room except the three first years. Draco opened his eyes in shock as he felt the warmth wash over him, and realising he hadn't been hit with anything.

Over where he stood, Harry was pale, but he looked relieved that Draco was alright. His legs felt weak and he hadn't felt this tired for a while

"Harry!" Draco yelled, rushing over to the small boy as his legs gave out, Draco scooping him up into his arms. "Harry, are you okay?"

Harry froze slightly, not sure what the feeling he felt when he was leaning against Draco's chest really was, he didn't hate it, but it wasn't something he had never felt before. His cheeks flushed, and it didn't take long for his legs to work again. He smiled up at Draco 'I'm fine, what about you? You weren't hurt, right?' Harry signed, looking up with worry.

"Harry, you're the one who suddenly had a magic explosion, that must have taken a lot of energy, are you sure you're alright?" Draco asked, he hadn't let go of Harry yet, too afraid of Harry keeping any problems he had to himself to believe he was fine after a magic explosion of that strength. Sure, Harry had had a lot of magic explosions, but this was by far the most powerful.

Nobody had checked on Hermione after the blast. Sure, she hadn't almost been stabbed or have her magic explode to destroy everything, but she had no idea that could even happen and her heart was pounding out of her chest. She had been sure she was going to die as she watched the chess pieces being destroyed as the blast headed towards her, too scared to even scream.

"Should..." She gulped, trying to get her heart beat back to normal, "Should we get going?" 

The door having swung open after the king had been destroyed let a bad smell through it. They were honestly terrified of what they were going to find, but if the door was open it wasn't going to be any safer for them to stay here.


"Devil's snare? Why would they put this in a school?" Lucius asked in disgust as he shot a burst of fire at the tendrils that were worming towards him.

"You don't think..." Sirius asked, trailing off as he couldn't stomach the idea of the kids being smothered by the plants.

"They will have learnt lumos by now and be able to fight this off." Remus said, trying y#to convince himself as much as the others.

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