Chapter 9

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The rest of the train journey was fairly enjoyable, Predawn went off to scare the Weasley who had been so rude to their master, and the two ate about half of the sweets from the trolley, laughing at the cards they got from the chocolate frogs, Harry being unfortunate enough to only get Dumbledore.

About the time they were going to change, a girls with dark skin, brown eyes, and very frizzy dark hair entered their compartment.

"Have either of you seen a toad? Neville's lost him." She said, her tone somewhere between exasperated and bossy, which was fair, theirs was the last compartment of the train, so she had probably faced a lot of people being rude to her.

"No, sorry. Harry, why don't you as Predawn? They're more likely to know than us." Draco said, turning to him. Harry liked to be useful, Draco knew that, otherwise he would feel guilty for being helped with anything.

"Harry? Are you Harry Potter?" The girl asked, looking at Harry with her eyes wide. Harry only nodded, rousing the sleeping snake on his shoulder.

"Predawn, have you sssssseen a toad? Sssssssomeone'ssssss losssssst one." Harry asked, his mouth open, but, as usual, not making a sound.

"Yesssss masssster. There wassss a toad near the red one'sssss carriage. I can look for it if it pleassssesss you." Predawn answered, slithering down Harry's arm to the seat next to him. When they spoke, a low, ominous hissing could be heard by those around them, their tongue flapping around.

"Pleassse do that, Predawn. I'll give you food from the feasssst." Harry said, Predawn nodding and slithering off to find a toad.

"Why do you have a snake?" The girl asked, yelping as Predawn passed her. "The only pets allowed are owls, cats and toads."

"Predawn is less of a pet and more of a familiar." Draco explained. "And don't worry, unless you insult or threaten Harry, they'll leave you alone. I'm Draco Malfoy, you?"

"Hermione Granger. Why do you do all the talking for him?" Hermione asked, rounding on Draco, who managed to look regal as he stuffed a cauldron cake in his mouth in one go.

"He's mute, and we're friends, so I know what he's going to say normally. If I get it wrong, then he'll write it down." Draco explained, cleaning the corners of his mouth with a tissue, even though there was nothing there to begin with. Harry nodded over in his corner, really wishing Draco was next to him so Hermione wasn't standing between them. She seemed nice, but she was also intimidating, at least a head taller than him, and far more confrontational.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. Where was... Predawn? Going?" Hermione asked, clearly wanting to get back to her compartment.

"They went to look for the toad so you don't have to check everywhere again." Draco said, getting their trunks down so they could change into their robes.

"Oh, thanks. Maybe we could be friends?" She asked, not noticing as Predawn returned, holding a toad in their tail.

"Maybe, for now, looks like Predawn found your toad. We need to change, so if you wouldn't mind?" Draco said, holding the toad out to her and looking pointedly at the door, asking her to leave.

Hermione took Trevor and left, they could hear the happy calls of "Trevor" from who they assumed to be Neville, they only hoped they would keep a closer eye on the toad. Hermione seemed to be a good friend, but she was a bit loud for Harry to instantly be okay with, but she would probably be good at protecting him when Draco couldn't. At least, that's what Draco thought.

"We really should get changed, we'll be there before long." Draco said, tossing Harry's robes to him. Harry caught them, but he looked nervous, there would be so many people and he might not even be in the same house as Draco, if that happened, how would he communicate with anyone? "Hey, it's going to fine, I promise. If we aren't in the same house, we can hope you'll be in the same house as someone who knows sign language, and I can get father to force them to let us be in all the same classes."

Harry started to calm down, shooting a grateful smile to the blond, who was currently hidden by the robes he was pulling over his head, clearly struggling to get it on. Harry was much faster at getting his robes on, although he did need Draco's help with fastening it, still more used to muggle clothes than robes.

Draco took Harry's hand and lead the way to the boats that would take them to the castle, once again emitting an air that made people leave them alone. Harry was still grateful that Draco could do that, but he didn't think he'd ever be able to, he was too small and weak.

"Firs' years over 'ere" Hagrid's voice came over the din caused by the teens and pre teens getting off the train and chatting with each other, discussing the sorting, and what food will be at the feast.

Harry almost didn't recognise Hagrid when he got to the boats, the half giant was much thinner than he was before, his beard looked burnt and less bushy than it was before. He was worried, had Hagrid not abandoned him, had he been looking for him? Was he the reason that Hagrid was like this? And if he was, what punishment would he be put through for that?

"Harry, we need to get in a boat or we'll be separated." Draco said, pulling Harry towards one of the boats, not too close to Hagrid, Draco seeming to realise the reason for Harry sticking so close to him.

"No more than 5 to a boat." Hagrid called when he saw the crowd of people around Ron's boat, who seemed to be telling everyone he was friends with Harry Potter.

"Of course he's saying that, probably thinks that if he can get everyone to believe it, you'll have no choice but to be his friend." Draco said, glaring at the red head in the boat that was the first to fill. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you're not forced into anything."

Harry smiled his thanks to Draco as two more people got on their boat. It was Hermione and a small, blond boy who was clutching a toad. This was clearly the person who had lost the toad to begin with, and both other boys were glad to see he still had it.

"Harry, if you're friends with Ron, why aren't you sitting with him?" Hermione asked, louder than Harry was really comfortable with, drawing as far away from her as he could, pulling close to Draco.

"You're Harry Potter?" The blond boy asked, his eyes wide as he looked at the smallest person on the boat who was basically hiding behind Draco.

"Yes, he's Harry Potter, he's mute and all his parchment and quills are in his trunk, so unless you know sign language, he can't communicate directly with you. He's not sitting with the Weasel because they aren't friends. They met once while Harry was waiting for me in our compartment and Weasley just got angry with him and scared him. You Happy?" Draco asked, glaring at the other two as though daring them to ask questions or insult Harry, who was almost successfully hidden behind him.

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