Chapter 24

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Harry wasn't sure that he really wanted to leave his parents on the island, but he wanted to see Draco again more than stay with the people who brought him life. He knew it wasn't their fault, especially if they're trapped on this island for so long, but Draco was the first person to actually care about him and make him feel safe, and he didn't know how long he'd been away.

"I hope to see or hear from you soon Harry." Lily said, looking at Harry affectionately as he got into the little row boat they had for Dumbledore's return trips. Her body language making it clear she wanted to hug him, but she knew that she would be forcing connection with someone who wasn't ready for that kind of affection from them yet.

Harry nodded, picking up the oars that were larger than him and getting them into what he hoped was the right position, Lily and James unable to get close enough to help him as they smiled sadly, waving at the little boy who was slowly struggling his way over to the shore. When he was about half way there, a white, glowing dog appeared on the lake beside him.

Harry thought he must have imagined it, because when he paused his clumsy rowing to look at it better, it was gone. He didn't know why, but the large, shaggy dog made him think of Sirius, it was the same as the dog plush Draco had bought him, like the wolf with Remus. Now that he thought about it, didn't his father remind him of the stag?

"Harry!" A voice yelled from behind him as Harry continued to row. Wait- didn't he know that voice?

Not even able to reach the shore, Harry almost jumped out of his skin when someone touched his shoulder from behind him. It took him a moment to recognise the touch, helped by the voice that came from the same place.

"Harry! Here you are, are you okay? What happened? Where were you?" Draco asked, looking panicked as he inspected Harry, not leaving room for Harry to answer each of his questions even if he was able to speak. "Anyway, grab my hand, father gave me a port key to the shore."

Harry did as he was told, a very unpleasant hook feeling jolting behind his navel and he felt as though he was being pulled in all directions, clinging to Draco's hand for dear life, hating the feeling as much as he hated anything. Harry landed harshly, only not falling flat on his face because of the tight grip Draco had on his hand. Nobody noticed as the boat Harry had been on seemingly vanished, now back at the island his parents were kept on.

"Harry, where were you?" Lucius asked as he and Narcissa rushed over to the point where both Harry and Draco stood.

Feeling safer now than he had on the island, guilty as he felt about that, Harry pointed towards where he thought the island was, not entirely sure though, there being a lot of small islands in the lake.

"Do you know how you got there? Who who took you there?" Narcissa asked, pulling a warm, green cloak around Harry's shoulders to protect him from the chilly morning breeze.

Harry shook his head, feeling guilty for not being able to help them out more, they had clearly been worried about him, but he hadn't been able to see the people who grabbed him, and he couldn't place where he had heard the voices before. When he woke up he was with his parents, but they couldn't have either gotten him themselves or arranged for him to be taken.

"That's okay, we need to get back to Hogwarts. Sorry this happened to you." Lucius said, Draco giving Harry a tight hug, Harry could feel that he was shaking slightly, probably still scared about what happened. Harry responded to the hug by returning one of his own, something that he didn't do often.

'How are we getting back?' Harry asked, hating his experience with the port key earlier, but not knowing how far they were from Hogwarts, never having left Privet Drive before he went to the zoo what felt like forever ago.

"How would you prefer? We could disapparate, use a portkey, or the knight bus." Narcissa said, looking at Harry's face that was slowly gaining colour again after portkeying to the shore.

'3' Harry signed slightly, pretty sure it would be the least convenient. He knew they weren't likely to get angry at him like the Dursleys used to, they had more than enough opportunities to, and they had never even raised their voices at him, but there could always be a breaking point that he had just hit.

"Alright, I think it's a little shaky and might make you feel a little travel sick, but it'll probably be better than the other two." Narcissa said, looking at Harry with concern, if he started to feel travel sick, they would have to deal with it then, for now they needed to start getting Harry back home.

Lucius went off to call the knight bus as Draco and Narcissa waited with Harry, Draco holding onto Harry's arm almost protectively. Clearly he didn't want the same thing to happen to Harry again, not that Harry was interested in having any experiences like that again, besides, how many surprise family members could he really have?

"It's time to go." Narcissa said, looking up to see the triple decker, purple bus that seemed to be teetering over the group of 4 very unsafely. Harry didn't want to get on the bus, feeling like if they got on something bad would happen to them, like it would fall over and they would all be crushed, but none of the Malfoys seemed to be worrying as they got on, so Harry didn't want to make a fuss.

Harry was sat by the window, with Draco right beside him, Narcissa and Lucius in front of them. Instead of the interior of busses Harry had seen before either in person or on TV, where the seats were attached to both each other and the floor, the seats on this bus were almost the same as the ones that the Dursleys had around their dining table, although no two seemed to match.

Harry instantly hated it as the bus started moving, the lurching of the bus and the violent skidding of his seat making him feel queasy. He was clinging onto Draco's hand for what felt like dear life, hating every second of this experience, his chair moving significantly more than anyone else's.

"Harry, are you feeling okay?" Narcissa asked, looking back at the two boys, seeing Harry clinging onto Draco's arm with his eyes squeezed shut. Harry didn't respond, wanting the whole thing to just be over already.

Taking advantage of the next stop, Narcissa and Lucius moved back around to be close to the two boys. 

"Harry, can you look at us?" Narcissa asked, feeling very grateful that the stop was lasting for so long, meaning that either a lot of people were getting off or a lot of people were getting on. Still clutching onto Draco's arm as though it was his life line, Harry looked up at Narcissa and Lucius, his face pale and sweaty with teary eyes. "Can you put this on for me? It will make you feel sleepy, so you can sleep through the journey, we'll wake you up when we get there, or at least shortly after." Narcissa said, holding up a sleeping mask. It looked completely ordinary, so Harry couldn't figure out how it worked.

"It's a cursed object, not that it can cause you any harm if you use it safely." Lucius said, his tone kinder than it would normally be while they were out in public, both parents feeling glad that they were the only people on the top deck.

Gulping, Harry took the mask that Narcissa was holding up, putting it on and immediately feeling his body relax into Draco. Even when he tried to move slightly he couldn't, but he could feel Draco move him into a more comfortable position for both of them. If he wasn't literally on top of Draco, it would be a terrifying experience, but somehow knowing that he was surrounded by the Malfoys made Harry feel safe, so he did his best to not resist when he started to feel his mind follow his body into sleep, although he was vaguely aware of the bus starting to move again.

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