Sorry this isn't an update

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Hello all, thank you all so much for reading this story, it really means a lot. 

I want to thank you all even with my poor upload schedule, school has been a lot more work that I had been expecting and my free time has mostly been spent on a school project which I'm enjoying, but is time consuming. The Christmas holidays are coming up and the teachers have been specifically told not to give us too much homework, so hopefully I'll be able to update more, but I can't really make any promises.

Thank you so much to the people who have followed me because of this story, I really appreciate it and I hope I can continue to live up to your expectations. Please make sure to let me know if you need anything clarifying or have any ideas for this story, as I honestly don't have the whole thing mapped out, I do have a vague plan of large plot points, but that doesn't mean I don't want reader insights.

The votes you all give me really mean a lot, especially on the more recent ones, I know they may be of a lower quality, but they honestly took more time and effort because I have been very tired due to medication and school work. I find it really motivating to know you all are enjoying my work.

Finally, please keep commenting! Your words of encouragement, enjoyment, jokes and hatred of characters is really fun to see and helps me stay motivated to keep writing, not that I won't just because I don't reach an arbitrary number of comments and votes. If you comment in a different language (please comment in whatever language is most natural to you) please know it will take me longer than ones written in English to respond to, this is because I am not very good at learning other languages, and I am only fluent in English, knowing a few phrases in German, French, and Japanese (mostly things that help nobody but can be confusing/concerning if you say it), so I will need to use Google Translate. I will also respond to you in the same language, again, using Google Translate, so please be kind if it doesn't make any grammatical sense.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading this story, and I hope I can continue to live up to your expectations. I love all of you.

Yes, that is my art, hope you like it!

-Wendy Noire

I also want to make sure everyone knows there will be a translated version of this with the same cover, this is perfectly fine as they asked permission and I made the cover myself, as well as to let you know that if you're also interested in translating this story to please let me know. I may be curious about the language you're interested in translating it into, but I appreciate the compliment.

If I do give permission to translate though, this is only true for it being posted on Wattpad with my cover art (I can redo the title to be the correct language), and with tagged credit to me.

I love you all!!!!

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