Chapter 27

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'We need to find H-E-R-M-I-O-N-E.' Harry signed, rushing through the castle to find the girl in question, Draco trying to slow him down enough for his parents to be able to find them before they got into any trouble. He really didn't know what had happened to Harry, there were only Slytherins and Hufflepuffs around him when he started acting like this, none of them would ever hurt the small boy.

"Do you know where she might be?" Draco asked, while running through the whole castle, while it may well slow them down, it wouldn't make them any easier to find. Of course he had realised too late that he should have told the Hufflepuff to tell his parents to ask the Weasley twins for their map, while creepy, he guessed it was useful in situations like this.

Still running, although looking like he was in deep thought as he continued, pulling his hand away to answer, and Draco could hardly see his hands and barely made out 'Library' as Harry signed it.

"How do you know? We haven't spoken to her since the train! She's not in our house, and we don't talk to her in lessons we have with her." Draco said, chasing after Harry as he ran to the Library.

Ignoring the librarian who glared at the two boys who ran into the room, they quickly ran into the agitated Ravenclaw girl who seemed to be waiting for Harry. Draco was completely lost, but Hermione and Harry discussing and agreeing that they needed to get moving, Draco didn't even know when Hermione had even learnt BSL. Then again, she was a Ravenclaw, so it was more than probable that she had learnt it during the short time they had been at Hogwarts from either a book or one of her friends.

"The third floor corridor." Hermione said decisively, Harry nodding along with her, Draco completely lost, not having followed along with their hurried, signed conversation.

"I know Dumbledore's the one who made that off limits, but I heard Weasley went to look what was there and there was a Cerberus there guarding something." Draco said, as he followed the small pair who both seemed to be under the manipulation of the same thing.

"Someone's already gotten past it, we need to stop him, he's working for You-Know-Who." Hermione called over her shoulder as Draco caught up to them as they ran to the third floor corridor they had been told was off limits in the speech that started the year.

"How do you know? And who at Hogwarts would still-..." Draco asked as they reached the door, realisation dawning on him that he knew exactly who in Hogwarts would still be willing to actively serve Voldemort, someone whose reason for betrayal was gone, and benefactor was proven to be as bad as the dark wizard he had previously served, someone who was probably not long off Azkaban himself; Severus Snape.

While he was saddened by the idea of never seeing his godfather again, Draco had to admit he had become rather distant from the man since joining Hogwarts, his attitude towards Harry, someone who he above everyone else should care for and empathise with, was something Draco wouldn't soon forgive. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense, Snape didn't care what the Dark Lord did, as long as he was allowed to continue his obsession. Even when his parents had awoken from the curse they had been put under and tried to sperate themselves from their controlled past, Severus had always been framing the old stories of the dark wizards as hero stories, someone good for the magical world.

'We need to get through that trap door.' Harry signed, gesturing to a trap door at the sleeping Cerberus' feet, an ornate harp that Draco could have sworn he had seen before playing itself by its head.

"We need to stay quiet." Hermione whispered, Draco happy to agree, he had no intention of waking up the three headed dog, he was painfully aware there was one oversized head for each of them. He hoped his parents found them soon.


"Where is it?" Remus asked as they searched through he draws in Filch's office, Remus checking in the other file cabinet.

"What are you two looking for? Shouldn't we searching for Harry and Draco?" Narcissa asked, looking out the door, noticing two red heads walking towards them.

"When we were in Hogwarts we made a map that can show where everyone is all the time which would be much easier than searching the whole castle for them. It got confiscated though." Remus explained, not caring about the mess the two men were creating.

"Map?" Fred asked, poking his head into the room.

"You looking for this one?" George asked, holding up the parchment, a well detailed map of Hogwarts shown on it, dots with names underneath moving along the corridors.

"Are you two Moony-" Fred started.

"And Padfoot?" George finished.

"Yes we are, and yes that is. Do you mind if we talk after we've found who we're looking for?" Sirius said, taking the map from the twins.

"As long as you promise to answer our questions." Fred said, standing aside so they weren't in the way of the door.

"Because we have a lot." George said, moving to stand next to his brother again.

"Of course, but for now we need to go." Remus said, rushing out with Sirius, Narcissa and Lucius following close behind as they searched the map.

"They're on the third floor." Sirius called back. "With Hermione and Fluffy... I assume that's a pet name."

"Let's go." Remus said, putting on an extra burst of speed that anyone who didn't know him would think he wouldn't be able to keep it up, but Sirius sighed, knowing he was going to get their first, being the most athletic from their group from Hogwarts and how he would keep exercising in order to wind down from the stress of the Order.

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