Chapter 31

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Harry walked into the large room that was shaped like the brief glimpse he had once seen of the Royal Albert Hall while Vernon was flicking through channels. He had always wanted to visit that place, it looked so grand, but now he was in a place like it he just felt cold.

There was someone, most likely the person who had gone through everything before them, standing in front of a mirror. He internally cursed the fact the positioning of the door and the angle of the mirror made him immediately visible to the person. He recognised it was Professor Quirrell, the one who always acted like the two of them were alike, but he always saw cold, or even hateful looks sent his way.

"Harry Potter." A hissing voice that sent chills down Harry's voice seemed to freeze the room. Harry didn't know where the voice could have come from as Quirrell's lips hadn't moved. "Come!" The voice commanded.

Harry didn't. Even if he had wanted to obey, and he knew he didn't want to get punished for not doing, he couldn't move. He wasn't sure if it was fear or come kind of magic that was holding him where he was. He was sure he had never heard that voice before, but all he could think of was the flash of green light the Dursleys had always yelled at him wasn't real.

"I said get down here." The voice spat at him, angered. "Show me Quirrell, you useless lump!"

Quirrell whimpered slightly as he reached up to unwind his turban, Harry was feeling more and more dread as the seconds passed like hours while the turban was unwound. He didn't think he had ever wanted Draco there more, especially when he was also insanely thankful that he wasn't there.

There was a face on the back of Quirrell's head, it looked almost serpentine, but not in the cute way that Predawn was, but it made him feel like he was going to die. He started to remember the night he had been asked about since he got to Hogwarts. There wasn't just a flash of green light, there was an evil cackling, and screaming, desperate screaming. Harry was doing his best to show that he wasn't afraid, but he honestly wasn't sure how well he was doing.

"I know you're afraid." The hissing voice spat at him, the hairs on the back of Harry's neck seeming to try to leave his body. "The people you love are coming, if you don't want them dead you'll get the philosopher's stone out of this mirror for me. All I can see is me using it to get my body back, and yet it's not there. You must get it for me."

Harry knew he couldn't refuse, but he also had no idea how to do what he was being asked to do. If what they were saying was right, though, and there really were people coming for him, he had to protect them, he could feel that this monster was more than capable of killing them and him if it didn't get what it wants.

Gulping as he tried to summon the courage from where he didn't know, Harry stepped forwards so he could look into the mirror, that seemed to be what they were doing to get the philosopher's stone. He was still trying to keep as much distance from Quirrell and the monster in the back of his head as possible.

Harry was shocked, when he looked into the mirror, he couldn't see Quirrell's face at all, in the mirror there was him and Draco. Harry looked around, Draco wasn't there, but looking back at the mirror, Draco was there again.

In the mirror he and Draco were close, and they looked happy, and older. The two of them were curled up in the Slytherin common room, and nobody else was there. Harry was confused while looking at it as he realised that neither of them looked quite like they did normally, Draco looked slightly pale, but not in a sickly way, he somehow looked prettier. Harry had black and gold lines spreading from somewhere on his back that was hidden by the muggle top he was wearing to about his mid cheek. Harry had never looked like that, but seeing it in the mirror he felt like it was right.


"Remus, I'm the one who'll take the potion and go forwards!" Sirius yelled, the bottle in his hand. "I know dark magic better than you, I'll grab Harry and be back before you know it."

"There's no way I'm not going through that door, potion or not." Remus said, the look in his eyes fierce as he stared Sirius down.

"Don't you trust me!?" Sirius asked, he thought they were over this by now, the whole wizarding world knew that he had been falsely accused, he thought he had managed to restore the trust they had had in each other that had been damaged by the war.

"It's not that I don't trust you, Pads, I'm scared of losing Harry. I wasn't anywhere near when James and Lily died, and I didn't get to see Harry once in the time you weren't there. We finally got Harry back, and now I'm terrified something's going to happen." Remus said, he still couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible would happen, even though there was now only one door between him and the child he wanted so desperately to protect.

"I get that Remus, but you know I've experienced more dark magic than you, and I know how to deal with this kind of thing, that's why I'm going. Don't get yourself hurt when I can do this." Sirius said, taking the potion and walking through the fire, thinking that Remus was going to take the other potion and go back to wat for them and to treat Harry in case anything bad had happened.


"Harry!" Sirius yelled as he ran through the door, Remus close behind him, his comfortable looking cardigan burnt, as were the ends of his hair.

Harry jumped, no longer transfixed by the mirror, he hadn't realised how much closer to the mirror, and consequently Quirrell and the monster, he had walked while transfixed with the mirror.

"Well, Harry Potter, looks like your time is up. Hand over the stone if you don't want them to pay." The monster hissed quietly so only Harry and Quirrell could hear. Harry's eyes widened, while looking at the mirror he had forgotten about the stone. He didn't have it.

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