Chapter 6

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Harry loved playing wizard chess, even if he lost every game, even the ones when Draco tried to let him win. He didn't care that he lost, he was only glad that he was allowed to play with someone instead of having to either hide in his cupboard or do other chores.

Draco was glad to see the smile on Harry's face, even though his lips were cracked and it almost looked like it was strained, not in a way where he was forcing himself to smile, but like he hadn't done it much before. Draco reminded himself that Harry probably hadn't smiled much before, and he swore to give Harry at least one thing to smile about every day.

"Which house do you think you'll be in?" Draco asked, after Harry lost for the 25th time. He loved playing with Harry, but they might have to start playing something else so that Harry didn't have to loose every time.

'卄ㄖㄩ丂乇?   卂丂  丨几     山卄乇尺乇    丨'ㄥㄥ   ㄥ丨ᐯ乇?' Harry asked, looking confused. Hagrid had told him a fair number of things, but nothing about houses.

"As in Hogwarts houses. There are 4; Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Slytherin is the one I'm probably going to be in, but we're often called villains because the dark wizards from our house have a lot of emphasis put on them. Gryffindor also has a lot of dark wizards, but nobody notices that as they're seen as a hero house. Hufflepuffs are nice, one of the few houses that don't hate Slytherin. They're loyal, caring and accepting. Ravenclaws are typically smart, but really it's that they enjoy learning new things, even if it has nothing to do with academics or if they forget it really quickly." Draco explained, hoping that Harry wouldn't choose Gryffindor, although he would support him no matter what.

'丨  卄卂ᐯ乇   几ㄖ  丨ᗪ乇卂... 山卄丨匚卄   卄ㄖㄩ丂乇   ᗪㄖ  ㄚㄖㄩ  ㄒ卄丨几Ҝ   'ㄥㄥ     乃乇   丨几?' Harry asked, never being given the chance to explore himself enough to know where he would belong, always being forced to simply do as he's told.

"I think you could be any house, but I hope you're in Slytherin with me." Draco said, avoiding Harry's eyes, disguising his embarrassment at his statement as clearing the chess board up.

Harry didn't realise that Draco was embarrassed, so he helped to put away the chessboard and figures. He wasn't very good at understanding emotions, his own or other people's. Harry was much faster and neat at clearing up than Draco, and that didn't go unnoticed by Draco, but he didn't want to tell Harry not to, so he decided that for now he would just keep an eye on it.

At dinner, Harry hardly ate anything. He tried, the food was good and he didn't want to be rude, but his body just wouldn't let him eat very much without feeling sick. The Malfoys didn't push him to eat more than he could, but they were sure to tell a house elf by the name of Dobby to make sure he was brought food whenever he was hungry.

"Hey, Harry, do you have any muggle games you want to play?" Draco asked when they were all in the main living room. It was a sophisticated grey, green sofas and armchairs, black cushions and detailing on the wall. 

'丨   ᗪㄖ几'ㄒ   尺乇卂ㄥㄥㄚ   Ҝ几ㄖ山   卂几ㄚ   爪ㄩᎶᎶㄥ乇   Ꮆ卂爪乇丂.' Harry wrote, holding up the paper with slightly shaking hands. Thankfully, parchment is thicker than paper, so it didn't tremble too much.

"Oh, ok, we can play something else." Draco said, before he gasped slightly, a new shine seeming to brighten his eyes. "Or I could teach you some potions! My godfather's the potions teacher at Hogwarts, so it'll be good if you already know some."

"Now now, Draco, don't make anything dangerous or too complicated. Remember, this is Harry's first potion." Lucius said, with a stern tone as he looked down his nose at the blond boy sitting on a cushion on the floor next to Harry.

"I know, but I wanna do a fun one." Draco said with a pout, making his mother stifle a chuckle.

"Why don't you do a simple fun one then?" Lucius suggested, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth at his son's antics.

"Why don't you get a list of potions together and let Harry choose which one he wants?" Narcissa suggested, Draco nodding eagerly and running up stairs, making his parents sigh. Never get between Draco and his potions.

"Sorry about that, Harry, Draco loves potions. H's probably right that it'll be a good idea to know how to make potions, but don't feel pressured to do it today, especially if it's a complicated one." Lucius said once Draco was out of the room, he was pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation, but his tone was loving.

"We should look into getting you a quill you can use to write in the air." Narcissa said, more to herself than Harry, who looked completely lost. "It'll mean you don't have to buy as much parchment."

"I'm back!" Draco called, slightly breathless as he rushed back into the room, his hair wasn't perfect for once, and the parchment in his hands was covered in an almost illegible scrawl making almost the whole thing the shade of emerald ink he kept by his bed from the hotel they stayed at earlier that year.

"Draco, dear, that's not a short list." Narcissa said, her tone showing that she knew there was no point in arguing, but she was still exasperated with her son. "Let me have a look."

Draco was much slower walking over to his mother than he was rushing into the room, clearly not wanting to give her the list. Once the parchment was in her hands, it turning out to be much longer than it had looked, he pulled a comb out of his robes and began fixing his hair.

"By the way, Harry, are those all the clothes you have?" Lucius asked, while Narcissa sighed, realising how many more potions were on the list. Harry nodded, afraid that was the wrong answer, but these really were the only clothes he had beside his school robes. "Tomorrow you can wear some of Draco's old robes, most are unworn, and we can look through some different designs and colours and send off an order for what you like of that for you."

Harry had no idea what to do, he hardly knew these people, but they were being so kind to him, letting him stay with them, giving him food, buying him "gifts" and clothes. Surely there was a catch? Something they wanted him to do for them? But so far they hadn't said anything of the sort, so why were they being so kind?

"Draco, dear, almost none of these are simple, especially not for a beginner." Narcissa said, finally finishing the list. "Harry, I would recommend doing the third one, it's the easiest for a beginner."

Harry and Draco left the room, list in Harry's hand. The small boy didn't notice the short wave of warmth washing over him as Narcissa cast a detailed diagnostic charm on him, a long piece of parchment appearing in front of her, longer than Draco's potions list.

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