Ms. Smart Ass

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"Holy shitstickers Mila, do something right, will you?"

"Listen, Jackass, this is everyone's bathroom. I don't give a damn if you think that this bathroom is anymore yours than it is mine." I say. He sighs. Who the hell though it was a good idea to live alone with your brother? Whoever it is: I will fucking hunt you down.

I look at the clock hanging on the wall and curse at it, which is my way of telling Chuck that we are almost late.
We run to the car and fly to school. By the time we get there the first bell had rang, but there was still hope.

Fist class: English. Ms. Smart Ass, as I like to call her, stares at me as if she was hoping I'd be late, when I run through the door. And by late I mean never come back to school.

I look at her while feeling the judgement in everyone's eyes upon me.

"Trust me, I was also hoping I'd never make it." I tell her. The class laughs as I smirk and the teacher points to my seat. I follow her finger and sit where I'm supposed to.

The boy next to me sends me a laugh, that I return with a smile.
"I heard Ms. Smart Ass is getting married and wants bridesmaids. Is it true she asked you to be the maid of honor?"

"Oh, she properly bribed me, yes, but it turns out I'll be terribly ill and unable to attend." I reply with an ironic tone. He laughs.

"What's up with being late again?"

"Dip-shit Chuck. Don't ask."

"I'm a younger brother, if I did ask I wouldn't understand snobby old sister issues."

"Older, not old."

He rolls his eyes, laughing. "Whatever. Is it still on for tonight?" He asks.

I sigh. "Dude, don't push it. I will talk to her today at lunch."

"Why don't you have a girls night out with her? It'll be much more convincing. Natural, you know?" He adds. I sit straight on my chair and uncomfortably whisper:

"You know what's more convincing? You getting hit by a truck, I'm sure that in that case she would totally go out with you. You know, for pity and all that." He rips a piece of paper from his notebook, and in a snowball form tosses it at me. I show him my surprised oh-no-you-didn't face when Ms. Smart Ass looks at us, seriously and really mad, waits a couple of seconds and continues to talk about some shitty grammatical norm that nobody cares about.

"See? You made her forehead vain pop out again!" He tells me.

"Robert Mayn, you do not talk about my super power that way." I say, imitating the teachers voice, pointing my finger at him. He laughs, trying to breath out the laughter through his mouth to not make it too loud.

I laugh too, and a couple minutes later I catch myself paying attention to class.

"But really, though..." he whispers.

"Jesus, Rob! Chill! Today at lunch." I tell him. Have a chill pill or something.

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