Bars, Choices and Quotes

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"I can't do this." I tell Rob by the phone.
"Look, if you're not ready to tell him it's ok. Just come back here and stay with me then." he says.
"Alright, but we have to do that group project."
"Deal." He replies. I hang up the phone and go back to his place disappointed in myself.
I have to tell Will. He is so great. I don't know what love is.. I don't think anyone knows, but I think what I felt for him was very close to it....
I'm in no place of making these decisions like this. In the arms of someone who says they love is no way to think about someone else.
I call Robert.
"Rob, I can't. I can't. I just can't do this."
"Just come over, we'll talk" he says with guilt and sorry in his voice.
"I just can't." I say and hang up. He still calls me but I always hang up.
And then for the happiness of all, out of anyone else that could have called me: Will does. And I, my stupid self, answer.
"Hey, babe." He says. Babe. Guilt is eating me alive. "Listen, I want to make things right with you." He says.
"Will. I have to talk to you."
"Good. Look in front of you." He says. I look in front of me and see him. With his gorgeous smile, a tie and a handsome social white shirt looking at me.
"Will! What are you doing here?" I ask hugging him as he stood in front of me.
"I was tracking your phone on the GPS and followed you here!" He says smiling. It's so easy to smile with him.
"Oh my Gosh! I was tracking the device I put on your head while you were sleeping the other day!" I answer.
"What a coincidence!" He says. We laugh.
"I was gonna visit my brother, just came back from a college interview." He tells me seriously.
"Oh" I say.
"Well, shall we have lunch?" He asks.
"That'd be nice" I say taking his hand towards the Little bar/restaurant across the street
We sit in a table for two with a soft candle between us.
"Nice place, huh?" He says.
"Very nice." I add.
I look around and see a little spot on the corner where people are reciting poetry. He notices me looking and takes a look to what I was looking at.
"You like it?" He asks.
"What?" I say looking back at him.
"Poetry. You like it?"
"Oh, I love it." I say.
He stands up politely with a evil smile on his face. "What are you... oh no!" I laugh as he goes up the stage a weird boy just stepped out of. he clears his throat.
"Like Leonardo Da Vinci once said: 'Je pen pensais que j'apprenais à vivre; j'apprenais seulement à mourir' " OK, DID HE JUST SPEAK PERFECT FRENCH?!?! He goes on... "What he meant was that his whole life, everyday, he thought he was learning how to live, but really, he could only learn how to die. And it is true. At the end of everyday we are dying. It's inevitable. And yes, a little depressing." He looks at me through the audience. "But when I'm with you.. I just don't care." The silence is soft but the way he's looking at me is so loud. "Maybe all Da Vinci really needed was somebody to love, to realize that dying never felt so good." Everyone claps. He comes back to the table where I'm still clapping. he blushes.
"You.. umm.. where do I begin?" I ask. He laughs. "Okay, you speak French??"
"Yeah, I lived there for a couple of months in Summer and took some classes." He says.
"And you quoted Da Vinci from the back of your head." I say.
"Yep. Common, it's not like you don't know any quotes!"
"Honey, I breath quotes." I say.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He asks.
"Quote battle?" I ask.
"Quote battle." He responds.

"You can't blend in, when you were born to stand out." I say.

"My life, my room, same thing. Everything's a mess." He replies.

"I'm in an adventure. Looking for the great perhaps."

"Maybe all we need is 20 seconds of insanity."

"I fell in love the way you fall asleep. Slowly and then all at once." I say.
He leans over until he's very close to me and the space between us feels tense.

"I kissed her like her lips were air and I couldn't breath." he says. And then he kisses me passionately. I don't think I'm ready to let go of this. But whatever this is, it's wrong.

"This has to stop." I say. "I'm sorry, but... I need some time to think." I tell him. Finally I feel like a huge heavy piano has been lifted off my shoulders.

"Is this about Robbie??" He asks.

"This is about me." I point at myself. "I need to settle some things in my head." I stand up. "I'm really sorry." And I leave.

I don't feel like playing any more games. I have a decision to make.
And I can't just mess around and then feel terrible about it because that's not enough.

I run to Roberts house and knock his door with a heavy hand.
He ~shirtless~ opens the door.

"Did you do it?" He asks.
"Yes" I say. He smiles and leans me closer to him by my hips. I push him away slowly. "But I'm not done." I add. "This has to stop. You are making me make a decision and I can't just agree. I have to make my own decisions. I'm done." I say.
"For now. I have to know what I really want. Not what people want me to want. I... it's confusing." He shakes his head. "I have to go. But for now, neither one of you is allowed to go anywhere near me." I start walking towards the elevator and then come back to his door swiftly. "SPECIALLY SHIRTLESS." And then run back to the elevator and leave.

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