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We all have a mask,
some of us hide behind it,
others sometimes see right through it,
or they see you as someone you never meant to be.
It all comes across too literal,
maybe a little bias,
your kindness sounds fake,
it's all inside our minds.

I try to come across as who I am, honestly,
but I fear you don't see me that way,
you won't like me that way,
I'm just not interesting enough to you.
so you make up this fantasy,
where I only exist to burden you,
a self obsessed attention seeker.
A few mistakes was all it took for you,
I can never be forgiven.

In this fantasy,
I'm a freak.
Even though I try to change,
you will never see me differently,
we've both broken each other too much,
we can't go back to how it used to be.
Before the masks,
before the pain,
when we weren't complete strangers to one another, when we were as close as sisters who could never do wrong.
Now we're just pictures of the past.

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