The City

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We couldn't believe it. There were numbers of undead that roamed the streets of the city. There must of been a thousand or even more. It took up the whole street. We then ran the other way. We ran straight down and took a turn of a road. As we were running Kelly suggested that we could go around the street. I agreed and we took another turn on the other side of the road. We were running down a straight road with no walkers. I was surprised.

"Wow there's no walkers here on the other side of this road" I said

"Yeah thats pretty weird" Kelly said

As I ran we went by cars and dead bodies. As we went on there were few, then more and more numbers of bodies on the ground. I thought that we were getting close but I stopped.

"Wait!" I said

"What?" said Kelly as she stopped

"Are we running in a war that started?" I said

"I don't think so? I mean maybe they were fighting off those things" Kelly said

"And look, there are bullet shells on the ground" I said as I crouched down. I picked up one bullet with other bullets that were scattered and I examined the bullet.

As me, Kelly, Justin and Kota looked around, there seemed that a war started here.

"Looked at these bullet shells" Justin said crounching down to examine it. "There's so many"

"Yeah they looked like they were used" Kota said

"Are you sure these bodies are still dead?" Kelly said in a worried way

As I moved to one body, still in a crouched position I poked one with my knife. As I poked it, it moved, they were alive still. As I backed off from one of the dead walkers, it was getting up. Then some of the walkers that were on the ground started to get up all around us. Some of the walkers were dead. They seemed to be shot in the head while the others ones were shot in the limbs. The walkers that were shot in the limbs started to get up.

"What do we do!" Kelly said

"I dont know!" said Justin

"Mom!" Said Kota

I looked around and saw a car. I ran to it and opened it. It was still opened. I yelled for the others and they all started to run to the car. I jumped into the drivers seat, Kelly in the passenger and Justin and Kota in the back. I told all of them to locked the doors and they did. I told them to get low or hide between the sits. Justin and Kota hid in the seats while me and Kelly got down. The walkers got up and started to just roam around the street while others were trying to look for us. They banged on store windows and cars. I was figuring out that it was only a matter of time before they get to us. Kelly started to cry but I told her its going to be alright to calm her down. Just then I heard a man's voice in the radio of the car. It was static at first but then started to clear up.

"Hello, hello?" it said

"If you are hearing me please press the red button of the radio" it said

I looked around the cars settings and found the red button. I pressed it and the voice started talking back to us again.

"Good, good, you hold the button to speak to me, okay?" it said

I pressed it

"Hello? Who's this?" I said

"It doesn't matter right now, what matters is your life so stay calm and only whisper".

"Okay, we are calmed and quiet" I said looking at Kelly still crying quietly.

"Great that's good but there will be a rescue team coming in your direction approximately in 5 minutes so hang in there"

"Okay, please hurry" I said

As we waited there patiently I had to keep Kelly calmed or else our lives die because of her.

I pressed the button

"How do you know that were in this car and in this city?" I said

"Well I've been watching your moves by the surveillance cameras on the streetlights of the road" It said

I just layed there surprised about it. Kelly finally calmed herself down about the situation.

"Rescue team here in about a minute" it said

Just then we heard the walkers coming our way. We then fell quiet. They were walking right pass us but just then one of those things suddenly banged on the car window. It started banging on the car window attracting the other things to us. Me and Kelly quickly came back up while Justin and Kota still between the seats. The walkers started banging on the windows and Kelly started to scream. Kelly kept screaming on the top of her lungs that it attracked every walker on the street. Then walkers started piling up on the car. I told Kelly to shut the hell up but she couldn't. Just then Kelly's window broke and many hands went in for her. They grabed her hair and her shirt.

All of the walkers were grabbing her and she still kept screaming. One of them were going to sink their teeth into her shoulder but Kelly was resisting against it. I tried helping her, I grabbed her hand and started pulling her towards me but the walkers were too strong in numbers. Just then I started to hear many roars in the street. I heard firing and many walker started to fall on the ground. The walker that tried bitting Kelly suddenly fell on the ground. As I pulled Kelly towards me, me and Kelly looked through the passenger window and saw four men. They were shooting the walkers. Many bullets hit the walkers and one by one they all started to fall, dead. One of the men yelled at us and told us to get out before more showed up.

We all got out and ran toward the men. I felt the bullets going by me so fast that I could feel the little wind it created. We got to them and we all started to back out but the team still kept shooting. The men then stopped shooting and started to run. They were leading the way and we were following. We ran down the street and took a turn then we ran down another road.

"Where are we going?" I said

"We're going back to the base" one of the men said

"How long?" I said

"About a mile going east from here" one of the men said. He looked like the leader of the team because he had a red symbol on his helmet while the rest didn't.

We just keep running all the way. We didn't dare to look back or stop. As soon as we stopped we came upon the base. It was well guarded. The perimeter was double fenced with bobed wires on top of it. We came upon a gate that two guards were at and they opened it. The four men which was the rescue team went through but the guards stopped us and searched us. They looked at our eyes first, teeth, skin, hair and then for bite marks. We were clean. We went into the base camp and saw regular people for once and food.

Was this our life or just the beginning of a new disaster? We may never know until it happens.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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