The World Going Crazy

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As I watched the news, it said a cold is spreading really fast, killing many people. As I watched in horror that many people are dying and coming back to life within five to ten minutes. I got really worried. Just then, something scared me instantly. Someone at my door was banding furiously. I ran over there and opened it just a cracked.

"Please helped me, I was attacked by two people that tried biting me so I fought back. As I was fighting back, one of them bit me".

As I didnt let her in because of the blood on her shirt, I just stood there, couldn't believe what she just said. As the same two people who attacked her earlier came walking and stumbling our direction. Their mouths were really bloody and they were still coming our way. They were about fifty meters away. The lady was yelling and making so much noise that more were coming our direction. I just let her in and told her to get as many things to block the door.

She got one chair and put it under the door knob. As she did that I locked it. Two hands were banging the window and all of a sudden, many of those things banged against all of the windows. As we looked around, there were one or two windows per room. As we were looking around to hide, two windows broke. One window was to the kitchen and the other in the living room. The both windows were parallel from each other. As both windows broke, those things fell in. The lady and I started panicking fast and I felt like I didn't know what to do. As they got up to a standing position, they were coming our way. Some even hustled in a walking way.

I thought fast and simple, I told her to get to the second floor and we both made our way. As soon as we got up, those things started coming up. We threw things down and it kept hitting them. As I threw a lamp, it hit one of them and it leaned against the stair case. It broke and the thing landed head first. Its head cracked so bad that the head itself splattered. It had no head. As I looked around, there was nothing else to throw so we retreated back to the attic.

As we made it up to the top we quickly grabbed the latter and pulled it back up but was too late. One of them was pulling it back down. As we tried desperately to pull it back up, many of the things went into the hallway and pulled it back down together. I was surprised that half of the things knew how to climb. As we retreated to the middle of the attic, it had a window that was circular. It was about 8 or 9 feet high. As I got a rusty old crowbar from a tool box that was covered in dust, I broked through the window and crawled out first slowly. The window still had glass at the bottom of it so I had to crawl slowly and carefully. The lady told me to hurry up because they were getting closer and she was crying her heart out. As I made it through, the lady was next. She fitted through perfectly, as I was pulling her, two of the things grab her right leg and bit her. She screamed in horror as I tried my best pulling her out. Those things piled up so quickly that they pulled so forcefully that I almost fell back into the attic. I watched and cried in horror as they were eating her like hungry animals. As I have to move on for my own survival, I started making my way down my house. Jumping on the second roof of my house, then I went to the front of my car. I was stuck on the roof. I was worried to jump on top of the car but I had too. I jumped, I hit the car with my body so hard that it make me roll and fall off the car. It knocked the wind outta of me. I couldn't move for about 30 seconds. Then after that, I felt okay still breathing hard and I went to my car. I opened it and forgot to lock my car when I dropped my kids off from school.

"Ah shit the keys" I said to myself in a whisper matter. I wasn't going back in there with those things. I also found a note in my car. The note was from my husband. It said that he knew this would happen and he left them there because he worked for a secret corporation. He told them he would explain later but focus on surviving. As I hit my hand many times against the window with anger that my own husband left me, it shattered. My hand started to hurt and bleed as the glass fell and cut me. "Right now I have to get my children" I said. I got out of the car and started running North where the school was. I watched many people getting chased and killed. I ignored it and just kept running on the road. As I saw something unexpected happen, I knew this would help me.

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