A Way Out

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Once we got into the room, Justin was in there. He standed there at first until he saw me and ran to hug me. As I hugged him back and tight. "I thought you were gone" Justin said as he had tears coming down his cheek.

"I always come back for my children" I said while hugging him.

While we were greeting each other again, Kelly went to the window. As she was checking for her car, some sprinters came over to the school. She was wondering why, she just remember that the car was still running. As the sprinters came they started to look around and it noticed Kelly through the sunlight beaming at the window. They started coming into the building and Kelly said "Holy shit we better start moving now!".

"Why?" I asked

Kelly said "Those things that run really fast are coming toward our way".

"Well I call them sprinters since they run really fast" I said

"Well those sprinters are coming our way so lets get a moving fast" Kelly said

As we were exiting the room we looked the other way. We saw the shadows of them running our way, we heard yelling and snarling. We ran the other way as fast as we can. As we were running Kelly noticed that there was a restroom near by on the left. As we were running Kelly said "Look there's restrooms on the left of us, we can hide in there"

As we got there we immediately went into the restroom. As we got in there Kota started hyperventilating. She couldn't stop herself and she was pretty loud. As the sprinters stopped by the room where we were at, they started looking around and they noticed a door opened. One ran in there and the rest followed into the room. They started hitting chairs, yelling and snarling. As they were busy I went to Kota and I tried calming her down.

"Kota you need to stop now!" I said whispering

"I'm trying but I can't, there's so much of those things and we can't stop them" she said and almost sounded like she was about to cry.

"You need to stop or else we're not going to make it out of here alive" I said demanding

"Okay, okay I'll stop" Kota said

Those things came out of the room and started looking around. They went into our direction again. As they were getting halfway in the hallway, Kota started to get quieter because she started getting the situation they were in. By the they got by the restroom Kota was completely quiet and I was surprised by that. She knows how to control her hyperventilating promblem now. Kelly told me she was going to check how many were there. As she moved to the door quietly and with caution she managed to get to the door. She opened it very gently with only a small crack that she could see through. As she seen six of them. Now she could see that it was kind of a intersection kind of hall. The left was a stair way to the second floor. The straight hallway that was in front of them was just a long hallway with rooms. The right hallway was a short hallway that had few rooms and also stairs leading up to the second floor. As they split up, two of them went left, one of them went straight ahead and three of them went to the right. As the one went straight ahead of use banging on doors to see if it was open until he found the second to the last room open. It ran into there, trying to look for us.

While it was distracted, Kelly told us it was safe to go but we had to hurry.

"Why?" I asked

"One of those things went into a room but it won't be long until it finds us running to the car so we better move" Kelly said

"Come on Kota and Justin" I said

As we exited the restroom we looked around first just to be safe then ran down the hallway to the car. We were running and halfway there until it came out. As it came out it looked around and saw us. It ran so fast that it was hallway between us. We kept running and told Justin and Kota not to look back. They didnt want to anyways because the thing looked disgusting. We got to the front office and the thing was by us. It jumped on Kelly but Kelly turned around quick enough to grab its neck, avoiding its mouth. She yelled out help really loud. I turned around. There I saw that she needed help. I told Justin and Kota "Get back in the car, its a white car and I dont want you to see this" so they both ran to the car.

As I went over to help Kelly, I looked around for a weapon quickly because she was screaming really loud. As I saw a broom laying on the floor fifty meters away I ran for it. As I was running another one came out and heard me running. As it ran toward me, I got to the broom first and ran the other way to help Kelly. As I was running the sprinter got closer and closer. I got to Kelly and hit the broom really hard into the sprinter on top of Kelly and it fell off of her. The broom snaped in half making two sticks that had sharp points to it. As she got up, the sprinter chasing after me ran at me and tried biting me but I grab its neck fast. As I was fussing around with it and hitting some things, I couldn't get bit. Kelly took the broke half and stabed the sprinter that was on me in the head. The sprinter instantly died.

We finally figured it out. The head was the weakness point throughout the whole body. As the other sprinter came back up to its feet, it snarled at us and ran toward us. Kelly thought fast and pointed the broke half broom at it's head and went clean straight through its head. As Kelly let go of it because of its weight, the sprinter fell down and instantly died from the broom stick. We looked at each other and ran back to the car. As we opened both doors, Kelly the drivers side and me in the passenger side, two more sprinters saw us. We both looked at it and then we both looked at each other.

Kelly looked around her neck and noticed her necklace was gone.

"You can go" Kelly said

"What! I'm not leaving you" I said in a worried voice

"You have to... you got children to take care of" she said in a clear voice.

"But why are you going?" I said

"I lost my necklace in that school and I have to go back to get it, it means so much to me" Kelly said

The two sprinters came running at us and was only twenty more meters from us.

"Go!" Kelly said

I had to because I had no time to talk some sense into her. As I ran to the other side of the car the sprinters saw me and started running toward me but Kelly got their attention. Kelly yelled at them and she picked up a medium size rock. She started running around them to avoid them and ran back into the school. They followed her and I didn't get to see her again. I was thinking she would make it and eventually find us again on the path because she was smart. I drove off into the car and I looked into the gas tank. I was in shocked.

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