Chapter 11

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(As I've said before, I'm putting this here in case I write something triggering :/)

That night was hectic, to say the least. Yoongi was pacing around trying to get everything completed before they needed to head out and was completely stressed out. He'd never admit that, but his friends could tell by his behavior.

By the time it was time to go, Yoongi was out of it. He was blinded by rage and concern. He's never let his emotions bother him, so why would he let his guard down now? He didn't know, but he did know that he needed to focus on the mission. Getting Hoseok back.

~With Hoseok~

Hoseok had been with the Diamond Mafia for less than 48 hours and he was already at his limit. The beatings and horrid things they'd do to him were extremely painful and all he wanted was to die at that moment. He didn't even care about escaping anymore. He just wanted the pain to end.

He had been curled up in the corner of his dark room for the past hour. He wanted to sleep so he could numb the pain for a bit, but was afraid of what would happen while he slept. The brunette no longer cried, he had no more tears, so he sat in silence.

He blocked out his thoughts and listened for any sound outside of his room. It was quiet, too quiet. Normally Hoseok would hear someone talking on the other side of the door, the two guards who were to stand by his door at all times. Instead of their soft chatter, he heard nothing. It made him curious but concerned at the same time.

~Back with Yoongi~

Yoongi's men were now surrounding the location of the Diamond Mafia, ready to attack. They were just waiting for the signal, which would be given by Yoongi. The Diamond mafia hadn't caught on yet, which was good for Yoongi. For being one of the biggest Mafia's in Seoul, they were pretty stupid and careless.

Yoongi carefully checked all the exits his men were at before giving the go signal. Yoongi's men got into position, ready to attack. The guards were switching so the Rose Mafia (That's the name of Yoongi's mafia, I can't remember if I said that already) took advantage of the situation and attack. A group of men moved forwards and aimed at the four guards, shooting them all with ease.

"You take the east side of the building, you take the west side. I'm going to find Hoseok," Yoongi said, pointing to each group as he spoke. The men broke off and infiltrated the building. As soon as the first shots were fired, it became a blood bath.

Men were going down left and right, from both Mafias. Alarms rang as the fight continued, alerting everyone in the building of the attack. Hoseok jumped when the alarm went off, confused as to what it meant, but his confusion was exchanged with horror when the door to his room opened.

Siwoo ran in with a mixed expression, one of anger and worry. He yanked Hoseok up from his crouched position on the floor and ran back towards the door.

"Wh-what are you doing?!" Hoseok managed to squeak out. He was shaking and hurting, but he took his chances in speaking.

"Shut up! Don't talk and stay close to me," Siwoo pulled Hoseok closer by his arm, squeezing his arm harder in the process. Hoseok held back tears as he ran down several hallways with Siwoo.

A few times Hoseok could see the fighting between the two mafias. He recognized Yoongi's men and a rush of relief washed over him. Yoongi came to save him. Another hall was passed, but this time he saw the man he'd been longing to see for the past 48 hours.

"Yoongi!" Hoseok yelled as loud as he could, ignoring how much pain he was in. Yoongi's head shot up and he made eye contact with Hoseok. They both smiled a little seeing each other, but they faded quickly when Hoseok was thrown into a car.

"Shouldn't have done that, Flower," Siwoo shoved him in the back seat and got in the front. He started the car and sped off, away from the fight.

"Hoseok!" Yoongi ran out of the building after them. He cursed as he saw them drive off. He reached for his earpiece as he ran to one of his cars.

"Everyone evacuate. Hoseok is out of the building, we're a go for plan B," He quickly spoke before starting his car and driving off in the direction Siwoo went. In his rearview mirror he saw his men running and the building in flames. Yoongi smirked and sped up.

It wasn't long before he caught up with Siwoo and when he did, he pulled out his gun and rolled down the window. He wasn't gonna risk hitting Hoseok, so he shot at the tires and sides of the car.

"The fuck? How did that bastard find us?!" Siwoo groaned before chuckling darkly. "You're about to have the punishment of your lifetime, Flower." Hoseok curled into himself as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Soon the car came to a stop and Hoseok looked up. They were at a huge bridge, but Hoseok didn't have time to look at his surroundings as he was pulled from the car. He saw Yoongi in front of them and his eyes filled with tears again.

"Let him go, Siwoo," Yoongi demanded, aiming at Siwoo, who now had a gun to Hoseok's head.

"And why would I do that? He's my Flower, so fuck off and let me have him!" Siwoo's grip tightened on Hoseok, making it extremely difficult to move or even breathe.

"He's not yours and he will never be. Let him go or I'll shoot your ass right here and make sure no one finds your rotten body." Siwoo only chuckled.

"If I can't have him, no one can. That's how this is gonna go. YOU can't have him!" Siwoo laughed maliciously, tightening his grip again. He was insane, literally.

Hoseok made eye contact with Yoongi, who was close to tears himself. Yoongi had no other option.




HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Sorry, I've been kinda inactive, but I wanted to end 2020 with a chapter of Body Count. I hope you liked it and have a good new year!


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