Chapter 10

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(Idk if the tw is necessary but I'm putting it here just in case cause idk what I'm about to write :/)

Hoseok woke up in a dark room with little to no memory of how he got there. He slowly sat up, a headache pounding against his skull. He looked around the room to see a large metal door, a small cot (which he was sitting on) that didn't give much support to his back. There were no windows and the metal door was clearly locked from the outside.

The brunette whipped his head around when he heard footsteps from outside the door. Hoseok backed himself into a corner, hoping whoever was outside the door would go away.

Alas, they didn't. The door was pushed open, lighting up the dim room. A man with jet black hair tied back in a small bun, wavy bangs framing his face, walked in. The man wore dark pants and a white button-up, rings and bracelets decorated his hands and wrists. He wore a smirk Hoseok knew all too well.

"Hello, Flower. How've you been?"

"L-Let me g-go, Siwoo." Hoseok pulled his knees closer to his chest. Siwoo chuckled and stepped in front of the shaking brunette. He lifted Hoseok's chin rather harshly and got close to his face.

"I'm not letting you go. Ever. You better engrave that in your mind right now because you're never getting out of here," Siwoo pushed Hoseok's head back as he let go and stood up.

"And don't think your little hook up is gonna save you either. We have men to deal with him." With those last words, Siwoo slammed the door shut, leaving Hoseok to cry alone in the dark room.

After a while, his thoughts got the best of him. Hoseok was worried more for Yoongi than himself at this point. He knew Yoongi was strong, but he cared for the older male. More than he thought he ever would.

He was crying and shaking, trying his best to quiet his thoughts. All he wanted was to be back at Yoongi's house with him and his friends. He was only in this room for a few hours, but he absolutely hates it. He wanted to get out. He wanted Yoongi to save him.

Hoseok's thoughts were interrupted when the door opened again, a tall buff guy walking in. He walked over to Hoseok and picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder.

Hoseok didn't even try to fight back, he knew it would be useless. He was taken down a few halls until the man stopped, placed Hoseok down, and knocked on the door in front of them.

Hoseok had a bad feeling in his gut. He knew what was waiting for him behind that door. Something he had experienced before and hoped he never had to ever again. He was wrong.

Siwoo opened the door, a smirk placed on his lips. He pulled Hoseok into his room and locked the door behind them. Hoseok let Siwoo pull him around like a rag doll, it's not like he could do anything to stop him.

Hoseok was brought to the bed and thrown down on it. Siwoo climbed on top of the smaller boy with an eerie grin and dark eyes. Hoseok only stared up at him with a dull expression. No emotion present on his face at all.

His eyes showed fear, but it was hardly seen over his blank expression. Tears ran down his face as Siwoo did horrible things to him. (I can't write that scene, but I'm sure you know what's happening)

Almost an hour after Hoseok had arrived in Siwoo's room, he was leaving and going back to the dark room he woke up in. The same man carried Hoseok back to the room and placed him on the cot in the room.

He left Hoseok there, alone, in pain, and in tears. Hoseok finally decided to try and sleep the pain away. He wanted to dream happy things to distract him from his harsh reality. If only he knew he wouldn't be sleeping for a while.

~With Yoongi~

Yoongi was watching Jungkook train his men, a blank look drawn upon his face. He so badly wanted to rush over to the Diamond Mafia's "secret" hideout (Seokjin did some searching and easily found out where they're located) but he knew if he acted rationally it could end badly for not just him, but his mafia and Hoseok as well.

"Hyung, come on. We need to revise the attack plans with Taehyung and Jimin," Namjoon said, bringing Yoongi back to reality. He signed and nodded, following his best friend to his office.

Once the duo reached Yoongi's office, they proceeded to explain to Taehyung the plan of how they were gonna get Hoseok back. The younger was paying great attention to everything his Hyung's said. Taehyung, along with everyone else, desperately wanted to get Hoseok back.

"You got all that?" Namjoon asked once they finished explaining.

"Mhm! I've got it!" Taehyung smiled and Namjoon nodded. Namjoon had to do most of the explaining since Yoongi was spaced out. Everyone noticed their bosses change since Hoseok disappeared. He's like how he was before he met Hoseok, cold, quiet, and seclusive.

"Boss!" Yoongi snapped out of his thoughts and looked to the door.

"You're gonna wanna see this," One of his workers said, leaving the office. Yoongi, Namjoon, and Taehyung all followed him as he walked down the hall and into a smaller office-like room. He held out a folder to Yoongi, who instantly opened it, only to shut it again.

"What is it, Hyung?" Namjoon asked cautiously. Yoongi closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He shook his head and handed Namjoon the folder. The teal-haired male's eyes widened at the images in the folder.


In the folder were numerous pictures of Hoseok. He had cuts and bruises all over his body. In some pictures he was naked, making more injuries present. Others showed Hoseok tied or chained up in one of two places, a dark room with nothing in it, or a dark bedroom with little to no furniture visible in the photos. For all they know it could be the same room, different angles.

"I wanna see! What is it!? Is it about Hobi-Hyung?" Taehyung stood on his tippy toes in an attempt to see inside the folder. Namjoon quickly closed the folder and handed it back to Yoongi, who threw it on the desk in front of him.

"You don't wanna see that, Taehyung. Go back to Jimin and train some more. Our plan begins tonight." Taehyung pouted at Namjoon's words but complied nonetheless.

After the door was shut, Yoongi picked up the folder and threw it at the wall. The photos went everywhere, but he didn't care. He ripped them into small pieces until you couldn't tell what they once were.

"I'm gonna kill those sons of bitches."

It's been a while~ Baby girl~ 😂Hellloooo I'm not dead! I've just been busy with school. I got out for Christmas break last week and I have 4 weeks off (long story) so ye. I hope to write more (and possibly finish this book) over the break!

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