Operation Red-faced Rayllum

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The king of katollis and his loyal crownguard, aka Ezran and his good friend Soren, were animatedly talking about random stuff in the throne room. Such conversation ranged from the pros and cons of different weapons and armor, to evident similarities between the Pentarchy and  Xadia. And as you might have guessed, Ez had little knowledge about armory, and Soren about political-related stuff, but a young king and crownguard have their ways to information, trust me. 

And when the conversation drifted off towards Callum and Rayla, Ezran didnt know if he was more happy for them or disgusted, since Callum was his brother after all. He thought about how the two (Callum and Rayla), had traveled many places side by side, Xadia and Pentarchy alike. This had been both for politic reasons, and magic-learning ones by an equal, too.

Ezran couldn't help but think about, how life took unexpected turns. He knew his brother never expected to find love - love, not only a teenage crush- at such a Young age.

But no one in the world, Ezran thought, was a better match for Callum than Rayla. They were simply perfect for each other, so different yet so similar in different ways.

Though, Some people said they couldnt take their relationship seriously. They're just teenagers, they added, they dont have any idea about real life, about the real world. But what they didnt see, what they didnt understand, sadness, the pain in the truth, it had all been lived Ezran, Callum and Rayla. So small, yet so understanding. And only Because, the world decided to throw truth in their faces.

And yes, maybe their relationship was mostly made out of teasing and joking around, sweet short kisses and blushing messes, but they did take their relationship seriously. They both wanted to be together, and would do anything for the other, both understood each other's pain, and-

Blushing messes- Ezran Repeated in his mind. 

And an idea popped on the Young king's mind.

"Hey Soren, whatcha say bout making them blush?" he spurted out  his thought. Maybe he worded it in a weird way, and even If it was the most random thing he could have ever said, it didnt matter. Because the next half hour was spent on plotting the perfect plan to make the young couple blush. 


"Ok, Callum i'd understand, it would be easy," Soren agreed, "but Rayla would be a teeny, tiny bit more challenging."

"umm, Soren, are you saying you dont think you cant make 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑 of them go red?" Ezran replied between thought.

"uh, no, what im saying," Soren said, making up his mind, "is that it wouldnt be as easy to Make Rayla blush, marking a difference to callum, ya know, cuz she hides her face in her hands, or she stutters with her words. She does that sort of things. but she doesnt blush!"

"well, you've got a point-"  

"of course I got a point" Soren abruptly interrupted. He was in the middle of going to regret what he did when this emotion was interrupted by Ezran.

"so, we've got to think of something that works for 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑 of them, so that sounds like the hard part,"

"and, somehow, when our plan is complete, they'll fall prey and blush like crazy!"

"Well, thats the idea," Ezran reminded, "and it will be that way if our plan is accurate and it goes acording to it." 


After, quite some time, the plan was done. it would go just as planned. Both were certain of that. It was just too perfect, too calculated, that nothing could go wrong. And this, readers, this was the one time in their lifes, when the irony of their thoughts didnt attack.

They had planned everything out, time, setting, and each one's roles in action. 

Ezran would be in direct action, while Soren taked the backseat and watched from nearby- this way, it would be easier to acomplish their goal. 


  𝙾𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚍-𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚍 𝚁𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚕𝚞𝚖 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝐍𝐎𝐖.

Ezran approached Callum and Rayla, who were in random hall,  talking to each other normally, with loving smiles and sweet little giggles. The little boy behind them made sure they didnt notice he was there, same as Soren was doing from the front, hiding behind tall stone pillars and armours. 

This first step required stealthiness, wich Ezran has learnt from Rayla.

And the next step... Not so much.

Both king and crownguard, knew what was about to happen, as opossed to Callum and Rayla, who had absolutely no idea of what was about to happen. 

Ezran heard 'I love you's from both of them, just before they kissed. Kiss Sweet and short, as most were, still a bit disgisting to see for Ezran. They finished the kiss briefly, but without a rush, and Ezran knew this was his queue to jump into action. 

And he did so, by casually leaping in front of them, next step of the master plan coming into action.   

"Hey!" he half giggled, half shouted, "That isnt part of the spell!!" Bait the glow toad in his arms, they both did the same surprised face they had when they first saw them kiss. If Callum and Rayla had experienced blushing, that was nothing compared to their present tomatoe state. 

And just like that, there was no denying Callum and Rayla just turned into tomatoes. 

"Ezran!" Callum demanded, just before soren took his place beside Ez, both engulfeed in their giggles, "Told'ya soren, PERFECT plan, perfect results!" Ezran cried. 

Rayla, who was redder than ever, quickly and fiercely turned around, hiding her face in her hands, as she giggled too. "Rayla!" Ezran's smile widened, "i saw you! you blushed!"



Hi!! All of you, hoped you liked it. This has been a draft for who knows how much time, but hadnt been finished until today. Have a happy Whatever-day-it-is, and see you next time!

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