Rayla's trainin at Katollis

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not much rayllum here just soren and rayla (as friends). its just a year after the battle at the stormspire, and rayla had settled in to live in the Katollis castle. 

Rayla's POV:

It was a normal summer's sunny day in katollis, not too hot or dry. I was walking to the courtyard, since crownguard training was going to be held in some minutes. I just had some curiosity, to know HOW crownguards in Katollis were trained, and i wanted to see it for myself. I stood quite far from were the crownguards were, but unfortunately not enough for them not to notice me.  When the person training them (author: let's just call him Jason), noticed me, he said, in a sarcastic voice ¨Want to train Lady Rayla, or going somewhere?¨, ugh how i Hate it when everyone calls me ¨Lady Rayla¨.However, to his words, i said ¨Wasn't planning on, but would gladly¨. Every one present looked at me in shock, ¨What, dont you think i can stand it, just because im a girl? I said, as i watched everyone just becoming more shocked. They had obviously never seen me in the field, until i spotted Soren, who looked with a smirk at his mates. 

Soren's POV: 

I was there, just admiring how everyone here thought rayla was ueseless in self defense, just because she's a girl. Surely they had heard she knew how to fight, but no one except me had really seen her in action. 

Rayla's POV: 

From the look on soren's face, i deduced he knew of my abilities. Actually, just the previous day, i had beaten soren in wooden-sword fighting, and it wasnt very difficult at all.

 ¨hey, what if, if i can do a certain amount of push-ups in a minute, you'll let me join the training session, just for this once¨ I pronounced when Jason turned to look at me. ¨Fine, i guess¨he answered, as he pulled a pocket watch from a hidden pocket in his armour. As soon as he got it, he said that i had to do 30 push-ups in a minute in order to be in the training, when Soren interrupted with ¨No rayla, do 35¨. Everyone was eager to find out if i could do 35 push-ups in a minute, so  i took 35. i went to the floor, and got to the right position, i waited a second for Jason to indicate me to start, at the moment when he turned on his watch. 

Random CrownGuard's POV:

wow. At that moment, i was super amazed by how Lady Rayla had the best rithm at  push-ups and maintained it. But when i turned my head and saw Soren, he didnt seem surprised, Why in the world wouldnt he be surprised?, then, I remembered that he aparently knew Lady Rayla personally, so he might have known she could do it.  Everyone else DID seem surprised (wich was not a surprise :D). My Fellow crownguards and i were counting the push-ups, while the pocket watch counted the time. When the minute concluded, everyone agreed on the amount of push-ups she did. 37 . WOW. she did it, she actually did it.

Jason's POV:

I couldn't believe my ears when i heard every crownguard agree that she had done 37. I couldnt belive, HER, Lady Rayla, achieved 37 push-ups in just a minute. But judjing by the rithm she kept throughout the whole minute, it was possible she really did 37. I had already agreed with her that if she achieved AT LEAST 35, she could enter the training, as if she was a crownguard too. I guess she just had curiosity at how Katollians trained their guards, because by how she had just done it, i guess she had a VERY different training, because Damn. She's skinny and young, about Prince Callum's age, so he must be almost 15 too, and that meant she started training since young (training or whatever she did to be that strong). Maybe, i thought, if she wanted to she could be a guard in katollis, due to her strenght... 

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