Bow Lessons

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Rayla's POV:

I was walking to the graveyard to do my usual training. It was already 8 am, altgough I normally trained earlier. But an unexpected outcome wouldnt get in my way of training.

I was walking towards the center of the graveyard, distracted by who knows what. When I turned to look in front me...

"oh no"

It seemed somewhat like if Soren was trying to teach Callum how to shoot an arrow... Or something like that. Callum had the bow on his left side, right hand and left leg in front. He was all twisted. Like ALL twisted. He seemed as having a bad time by the look on his face, and-

Hey rayla, shouldn't you tell them to stop whatever they are not-succesfully trying to do? Oh, yeah right. I'll do that.
"get that thing down! like RIGHT NOW!!" not what I expected but ok.

They looked confused. At the same time, Callum looked gratefull for me interfering with such a lame looking lesson. Sorry but it DiD look lame. And Soren looked kinda sad by the fact that i told Callum to get the bow down.

" guys what in the World are you trying to do??!?" I asked, and Callum answered "well, as sword fighting is Totally NOT my thing, Soren thought a change might do well, so now im trying with-"
"bows and rows!!" interrupts soren
"Bows and Arrows soren!" has he just never heard of bows and arrows or what??

"seems like you've got No idea how archery works, and besides, with that posture, he was never going to hit the target"

"but he was ACTUALLY so close to hittin' it ya know?

"Soren, have you ever seen someone shoot an arrow before?"


"hitting the target"

Yes again.

"hitting the target on purpose? "

Nope. Just what I had expected.

Soren abruptly started talking, with something not so surprising "well, the fact that I dont know about bows and rows, or whatever, doesnt automatically make YOU know more about it" see? Not surprising.

Yo have no idea Soren.

"WAIT, you Do really know about bows and arrows?!? But you sword fight! Or blade-fight?!?" Soren spat out his confusion. I had to
explain. For the first time actually...

" ok, so I havent been sword fighting my whole life-" Soren interrupted (again) with "wait, i thought you had said you sword fighted since you were little!?"

"will you let me continue Soren? Ok thank you. Before I started focusing in sword-fightin , i used to train in archery. Aaaand since it wasnt much of a match to ma personality, and blades came more naturally for me to use, then I started focusing my training towards swords and blades and that sorta stuff"

"wooow" from both. I wasnt actually impresed that they were impresed, since I had never told anyone I used to train in archery

Soren started talking.... Again.... "so, that means you can help me teach Callum archery?!?!"

"I guess I can try" I said, and Soren was like, "so you gonna teach him today or in a thousand years?", "oh, right"

"ok now, Callum grab the bow. No, not with your left side, grab it with your righ-"

"its supposed to go on the left wasnt it?" (Soren again)

"yes, for you, youre left-handed, but callum's not, and an archer must grab the bow with their dominante side, so you get my point right?, ok, left foot on front and right on the back."

Callum's POV:

Im just humiliating miself! Rayla seems to know aaaaall about archery, while I know close to nothing!!

Stop it Callum, or you gonna blush out of humiliation or trip while rayla tries to teach you archery. So, know ive got to pay attention to what she says, and hopefully i'll get this right.

But Soren interrumps, like for the fifth time or something like that. But who knows what he said as I didnt pay attention.

WAIT, I think I had a better idea, "hey, what if maybe you could show us, instead of describing it? For me to be able to see how to do it properly before trying it myself?"
"that'd be cool! " thought Soren aloud I had the same opinion.

"Oh,um okay! If you're both so eager to see me try, " she possitioned herself, her body not facing the target, but her left side doing such. Then, she continued "Callum, hand me he bow please",and as I handed her the bow, many of the guards present from afar, turned their gaze this way. Aparently, that were as excited as Soren and i were to see rayla shoot an arrow.


Sorry for no opdates, i just wasnt inspired or who knows what. i'll write a second part to this one, however you'll have to wait for that, since semester finals are coming for me and projects just seem to crash down on me. 


thx for all your love, girl with projects out!

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