Chapter 4

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For being his dorm, Zack's room is oddly clean. I'm grateful for it now since I doubt it'll last much longer. The bed is made and all of his clothes are hung up in the closet. A few textbooks are stacked on his desk but it's otherwise empty. His roommate's bed is empty but there's a duffel bag by it.

He closes the door and pulls me into his arms, staring down at me through the fringe of his lashes. I reach my hand out to touch his cheekbones and his eyes close in response.

"I missed you," he says. It's enough to make all my insides melt.

"I missed you more," I whisper. Suddenly, it's hard to breathe.

"Then kiss me like it."

Tiptoeing up to reach him, I press my lips to his. A slow, sweet kiss full of yearning and fulfillment. Sliding my hands into his hair, I press closer, feeling what I've only been able to imagine for so long. He tastes like soda and smoke.

I start to step back towards the bed and he pushes me down. With a laugh, I grab the pillow to hit him and he moves on top of me, hooking my leg around his waist. Our lips crash together again and I lace my fingers in the soft locks of his hair.

His lips move to my neck, teasing and sucking at me. My breaths turn heavy, my eyes closing as I crane my neck back even more. I start to run my fingers down his stomach.

"Zack," I whisper, reminding myself that attending orientation with a purple neck probably isn't the best idea. "People are gonna see me tomorrow."

He doesn't stop. "Good," he says. "I want them all to know you're mine."

A shiver rolls down my spine and I don't bother arguing. "I am yours."

"Woah." An unfamiliar voice causes both of us to freeze. By the now-open door is a brown-haired boy with sharp green eyes and a smirk. "My bad."

Like that, the air goes cold. Rolling his eyes, Zack gets off me. When he talks, there's a bite to his voice. "I thought you were going to hang out with Tim, Marcus."

Marcus flashes a smile. "Change of plans."

"Right." Zack continues to glower at him. "This is Amelia."

"Ah, the infamous Amelia," Marcus says as I stand up and stick out my hand, knowing my face is bright red. His is rough as it shakes mine. "I'm Marcus. I assume you've heard of me."


"Marcus is my cousin," Zack says. "I was gonna introduce you guys at lunch tomorrow but I guess we're doing this instead."

"Go ahead and continue, Zachary," Marcus says, plopping down on his bed. "I don't mind."

Zack kind of snorts in response, no longer mad, but apologizing to me with his eyes. I start to get up.

"That's okay," I say. "It's getting late anyway. I should probably go."

"I'll walk you to your room," Zack says.

"Bye Marcus," I say.

"Byeeee!" he calls back gleefully. Zack shuts the door, shaking his head.

As we walk, the only noise is the wind and the crickets. His hand wraps around mine, warming it immediately.

"I didn't know your cousin went here," I say.

"Yeah, our moms wanted us to go to the same place so I could keep him out of trouble."

I laugh. "You? Keep him out of trouble?"

"I'm a different kind."

Looking over at him, I ask, "Meaning?"

He gives me a crooked grin. "I don't get caught."

I shake my head as we approach my room. "Uh-huh. Well, tell him it was nice to meet him. Kind of."

"Nice, my ass. He should be grateful he's family," he mutters. His eyes lower. "Is everything okay, by the way? With your family?"

I rest my hand on his arm. "As okay as it's gonna be. Don't worry about it." I inhale and smile at him. "See you tomorrow?"

"At orientation? You'll be with all the nerds. I'll probably have to pretend I don't know you," he jokes.

I match our gazes. "Just tell them I'm your old coach's daughter, right?"

He stops laughing and holds my hands. "No," he says softly. "You're the girl I'm in love with."

A smile creeps on my lips. "You're so cheesy."

"You like it."

I tilt my head to kiss him then move back. "See you tomorrow," I say. The words feel foreign on my tongue.

"Good night, Princess," he says.

Rolling my eyes, I let go of his fingertips to open my door. He waits until I'm inside and I listen to his footsteps fade away. The second my head hits the bed, I fall into a peaceful sleep.

A/N: comment ur fav sad movie i'm tryna cry. Also, vote and comment hehe! Next update will be Monday. Thank u SO much for reading. Ur a g

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