Chapter 39

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When I wake up from an hour of sleep, my head is aching from staring up at the light all night. As I lay in bed, I feel lightheaded. My breathing is shallow and rapid as I wipe at my lips, trying to forget the feeling of his lips molded against mine.

Is it my fault? Did I lead him on? Why did I go to his room alone?

I skip my second class.

What am I going to tell Zack?

The phone rings.


"Hey, where are you?"

"In my room."

My voice sounds normal when I speak.

"Are you busy? I wanna see you before practice."

I breathe slowly. "I'm not busy."

"Ok. I'll see you soon."

I take off the covers of my bed and slip on my shoes to walk to the bathroom and wash my face. My chest clenches nervously as I walk through the halls, my eyes surveying the area.

I wait for Zack on the edge of my bed. There's a knock on the door. I peep through the keyhole before opening the door.

"Hey." His face breaks into a wide smile as he enters. His lips brush against my cheek. "I missed you."

I feel my lips lift up. "I missed you, too. How was it?"

"It was amazing," he says wistfully. "How was everything here?"


"Good." He stares at me, his smile fading a bit. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," I say. "I'm just a little tired."

"Did you eat yet? We can grab something really quick."

"I'm not really hungry."

He pauses. I can tell he's becoming worried so I force a smile.

"I had a big lunch," I add.

"Okay," he says. "How was your week? Miss me a lot?"

A light laugh comes out. "Yeah right."

"What did you do all week?"

"Nothing special," I say. My brain searches for a way to change the subject. "Do you wanna watch TV?"


He sits on top of my bed as I pull out my laptop and sit next to him. Not a cell in me moves as his arm slings around me and the movie starts to play. I can't focus on the movie. Instead, I try to focus on the sound of his heartbeat against his chest.

I can't tell him now. He just got back and needs to rest. Once I process everything, then I'll tell him the truth.

A/N: I just want to make it clear that it is never the survivor's fault. Amelia's thoughts are her internal dialogue, not my personal views. Thank you for reading and stay safe.

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