Chapter 11

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Zack calls just as I'm tying my shoes to leave.

"Are you busy tonight?" he asks. "Our academic counseling session got canceled. It's a miracle."

I wince. "I'm going out with Mia tonight."

Part of me wants to stay. After all, our schedules almost never match up. But a bigger part of me wants to spend a night with my friends.

"Oh, okay," he says. "Then I'll, uh, see you... when we have time."

"Yeah," I agree.

We both stay on the line for a second but neither of us speaks.

Should I stay?

"Get some rest," I say finally.

"Be safe."

When I hang up, I can already hear music booming from Mia's room. Shoving my phone in my pocket, I raise my hand to the door and knock.

"Amelia!" Mia cheers immediately. "We've been waiting for you!" She hands me a shot glass that's full to the brim and holds hers out to her friends. "Cheers, ladies!"

They throw their heads back without hesitation as I stare down at the liquid. It's clear like water. I sniff it and nearly retch on the spot.

"It's the cheap stuff," Mia says, wrinkling her face. "It's all Katy could get with her fake."

Glancing back down at the shot glass, I hold my breath and swallow it. My nose wrinkles at the burn in my throat and Katy hands me a cup.

"Guava juice," she says. "The best chaser."

The sweetness soothes my throat. I wait for a couple of minutes and feel nothing so Mia pours us more.

"Where's Zack?" Katy asks me.

I take another shot. "Just resting. Why do you ask?"

"Ohhh are you guys having problems or something? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snoop."

"We're fine," I assure her with a smile. "We don't do everything together."

"I love that for you," Katy says, refilling my glass. "Is Zack usually free Friday nights?"

I can feel my guard start to go up but I try to push it away. After all, I don't want to be crazy possessive, right? It's just a question.

"No, just today," I answer.

She seems to notice my tone and retreats, holding her glass to me with a quick smile. "Bottoms up, Amelia."

Thirty minutes later, Mia's arms are slung around me as we walk to the party. She stumbles and giggles. It makes me giggle too.

Katy runs beside me. "I'm sooo glad I met you, Amelia," she says. "Fuck CS! Fuck Professor Whittle!" An uncontrollable laugh escapes me and I hug her. "Look at me now! I'm best friends with Zack Darrington's girlfriend!"

"No," I correct her. "I'm not his girlfriend. He's my boyfriend."

She blinks heavily. "That's the same thing!"

"Is it?" I ask, laughing again. "I guess it is!"

She holds my hand all throughout the party. It's honestly a blur. I'm fully aware of where I am but lighter. Fuzzier. Not so stressed.

I wonder if this is what freedom feels like.

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