Chapter 9

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Note: Underage drinking is present in a lot of chapters. Please be safe. Getting drunk can be really dangerous and it's not always cute like in the books. And PLEASE do not go to parties alone. Okay? Okay.

Marcus isn't my favorite of Zack's friends. He's nice enough and he's Zack's cousin so, really, he's above a friend. Also, he's outgoing in a way most people love but he also spends 80% of his time talking about the girls he wants to hook up with in not-so-pretty words. Sometimes I want to throw a Bible at his head.

Marcus's party isn't even at his dorm because that wouldn't fit this many people. Apparently, his friend lives in an off-campus apartment and I guess he just lets Marcus come and go as he pleases. In my head, I wonder who the hell would leave Marcus in charge of their home.

There's pink and blue lights and booming music. People on the balcony smoke with the door open. Empty beer cans litter the floor, leaving people to pass around a half-empty bottle of vodka.

My nose wrinkles at the sight. Herpes. Yum.

"Here we are," Zack says with a small smirk. "Entertain me."

Before I can reply, a voice shouts, "ZACHARY!!!"

Cheers fill the room at Marcus's announcement of our entrance. He lifts the beer bottle in his hand as a greeting from the top of the table that he's standing on. The floor shakes as he hops down and runs over without even flinching.

"My favorite couple," Marcus says, smiling brightly. "The Justin and Selena of Michigan. The Brad and Angelina. The Kim and Kanye-"

"Most of those couples aren't even together anymore," I cut in at the same time Zack says, "We're more like Beauty and the Beast."

I cross my arms. "And which one would I be?" I ask suspiciously.

"The Beast?" I smack him and he laughs. "The Bitch?"

I grimace. "Fine, I'll be the Beast. At least he has a castle."

He grins and slings his arm around me. "Come on. You know you're the Beauty."

Marcus gags loudly, interrupting us. "Ugh, couples." His curls bounce as he walks over to a tower of beer bottles. "Do you want a drink? You want a drink." He grabs a beer and hands it to us. "You can share since you're in love."

Zack rolls his eyes and hands the can to me but I tell him to keep it. "We want that," I say firmly as I point to a prized bottle of Hennessy. It's more of a decoration than actual liquor.

Marcus roars with laughter and I'm not quite sure if it's with me or at me but he turns around, grabs the glass bottle, and holds it out to me without hesitation. It's almost full, probably worth over $60.

"It's all yours."

"Really?" I ask, eyes wide.

I asked for it purely as a joke but he's giving it to me like it's nothing. Maybe Marcus isn't so bad after all.

"Anything for family." He winks.

"That stuff's really strong. We don't need the whole bottle," Zack says.

"He's scared," Marcus whispers loudly to me. "It's because he's a lightweight."

I let out a laugh and turn to Zack. "Don't worry, Princess," I say. "I'll protect you if things get too wild."

He shoots me a look but I'm busy pouring the dark liquid into cups. I hand one to each of us. "Cheers, ladies!"

Zack stares at me while Marcus tilts his head back and drinks, holding the empty cup over his head after. Not a droplet falls.

I only take two shots but it's enough to make me feel indescribably free. Confident. It's the perfect balance of being in control and not giving a fuck.

I grab Zack's hand and pull him to dance with me. My arms find their place around his neck and my eyes rest on his. No, not rest. It's all energy. Adrenaline pumps through me as we move together. It's just us. Uncontrollable laughter spills out of me and it feels amazing laughing for this long.

I start to move closer to him and his grip tightens immediately to yank me into his body. Our breaths intermingle like familiar old friends. If I lean just a bit closer, we would be kissing. But I stay where I am, watching his eyes darken. Neither of us makes the move as our breaths slow.

It's me that moves, reaching out my hand to brush through the front locks of his hair. His jaw tightens and he stares straight at me as our bodies slow down and our eyes lock.

"What?" I ask innocently.

His voice is low. "You know what you're doing."

I pause, pressing my lips together, then move closer to him. My hand stays in his hair as I look up at him.

"Tell me what you're thinking," I say.

My breath skips as he moves his hands to the waist of my shorts, sliding his fingers over the exposed skin. An ache of need travels down my spine and throughout my body. I shiver even though I'm sweating.

Zack's voice is low as he says, "You wanna know what I'm thinking?"

He turns me around so my back is against his chest and grabs my hand in his, lifting them to point at a room.

"You see that door?" he asks, his voice deep as his mouth traces my ear.

My voice comes out as a whisper. "Yes."

"I'm gonna take off all your clothes and take you against it so everyone can hear how good I make you feel. And if you try to cover your mouth, I'll pin your wrists down and go even harder."

My jaw threatens to drop but I hold it in, lifting my chin as I turn to look at him instead. "Is that what you want?"

He presses into me as an answer. "Yes."

"Then take what you want."

Then we're running. The cold night air melts into my skin as our shoes crunch in the leaves. I hop onto his back, burying my face into him as we approach his dorm. He lets me down to open the door as I hang onto his waist from behind.

"Come here," he murmurs, embracing me as we enter. Our laughs turn silent as our eyes meet. The only light comes from the window. My breaths are heavy between us.

"Did you have fun?" I whisper so quietly it's like a breath.

Everything is him. His scent, his eyes, his arms around me.

He smiles, our lips threatening to touch. "Yeah. Looks like you were right." His eyes blaze when they meet mine and my pulse soars. "You are the exception."

He leans to the side, sending chills across my skin as he speaks into my ear. "What's your wish?"

My eyes close as I bask in the sensation. When they open, I feel strong.

"I just want you," I whisper, reaching for his shirt.

He grabs me, moving to the bed and pulling me onto his lap. My hands in his hair tighten as he deepens the kiss. They move to rest on his shoulders, bunching up the fabric of his shirt, pulling it off. His hand goes to my neck, fingers tracing over the skin. For a second, he pulls back and brings my forehead to his.

It hurts how good it feels.

He's patient as his lips return to mine. Indulgent. Like, for once, we have all the time in the world. He brushes his lips against mine lightly then harder. Less careful. Giving me time to prepare.

"I love you," he whispers but it's fierce.

I cradle his face in my hands. "I love you more."

And with that, I let go. No worries. No insecurity. Just sensation and emotions.

A feeling I never want to fade. 

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