Chapter 58

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I know it was for me. That food was for me. It had to have been. I'm not that stupid.

I stab at a sausage on my plate, sawing through it with my plastic knife as I glance at Katy and Zack. While I have no right to be mad, I am anyway. The least the universe could let me do is take my anger out on my food.

Katy looks over at me and I immediately stare off into the sky, obviously caught.

"Subtle," Anthony whispers beside me.

"Do you need something, Amelia?" Katy snaps. I'm assuming she's annoyed because her rendezvous to seduce Zack failed and is now taking it out on me.

"No," I say as politely as I can. I stand up. "Just need to pee."

She huffs at me, rolling her eyes. I'm walking back to the site when I see Katy walking towards me.

"Amelia!" Katy stops me. "Look, I don't know what you're doing but you need to stay away from Zack."

I pause then stare at her. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Stay away," she says. "He's mine now."

"Yours?" I run my tongue over my teeth, waiting for her to explain herself. She doesn't. "You know, I thought you were my friend. But now that we're broken up and you're latched onto him every second of the day, I'm realizing that even when he and I were together, you were just waiting for us to break up."

"I don't know what you're talking about," she says, crossing her arms.

"Seriously?" I say. "I saw your post. Girlfriend and the girl he tells you not to worry about? I let it go because we were broken up but that doesn't mean I forgot."

She smirks. "Why do you think I even talked to you in the first place? You're boring as fuck, Amelia. The only reason people even talk to you is because of Zack."

A couple months ago, it would've been enough to sting. Now, I know in my heart that I'm not the issue; she is.

I let out an incredulous scoff before looking her straight in the eyes. "You really are a fake bitch."

She doesn't even flinch. "And you're a desperate whore. Getting lost in the woods? How pathetic," she spits.

"Right. Because I was trying to get lost," I say. "Then again, I could've gone with something more sophisticated like, I don't know, waiting for him in his tent."

Her face heats up and she crosses her arms. "He asked me to be there-"

"Are these the kind of lies you're spreading?" Zack appears to the side of us, his eyes narrowed and lips curled.

"Zack!" Katy says, eyes huge. "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't realize I needed your permission."

"I..." She blinks rapidly. "What I said... I'm just trying to help you get her off your back!"

"I never asked you to do that," he says.

She huffs. "Zack, she is playing with you! Can't you see that?"

"It's none of your business, Katy. If you have an issue, say it to my face. Don't do this behind-the-back shit."

She steps back, looks back and forth at us, then storms off angrily. 

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